[Chapter 3]

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I wanna skip the fighting part with Old man Oreo and Mamapika. Sorry I don't really know much about that part.


Scarlet's pov.

I didn't really want to see the fight, so I decided to stay in the cabin for a while and sleep.

Time skip by Nutella~

Scarlet's pov.

I was woken by a fast shake from Gon. "Stop it Gon!!" I shouted. "I'm awake now.. sheesh."

"Gomen, Scarlet~chan" He replied. " but it's time for us to leave." "Okay." I replied. I gathered my things and left the ship. I sighed with relief. I'm glad the boat moved in my sleep and not now because my medicine must've worn out.

Before I could leave with Gon, the captain wanted to speak to him for a little while.

I shrugged my shoulders and headed to the map a few feet away. I looked at the map and scanned for a way to reach the exam site. Currently focused, Kurapika and Leorio was standing behind me, glaring at each other.

I can't believe they still haven't got over that yet. "I'm back!" Gon shouted in my ear. I jumped. I must've been deep in thought that I didn't notice him yet.

"That wasn't long. Why did he want to speak with you, Gon?" I politely asked not trying to be nosy. "Oh he wanted to tell me where to go to reach the exam." He replied. "Then where do we go now?" Kurapika butted in.

"Oh, umm.." Don't tell me he forgot! I sweatdropped.
"Oh! I remember now!" Gon snapped his fingers. "He said to look for a giant tree on the map!"

Leorio must've heard because he looked at the map and saw a giant tree over near the left corner of the map. "That can't be right cause I was told to go over there!" He said pointing to our right. "Well then, you were told wrong." Kurapika said.

Leorio glared daggers at the Kurta. He mumbled rude things about him that I shouldn't say to you guys. Oh sorry for breaking the fourth wall.

"Whatever I'm going the right way and don't come running to me if you go the wrong way!" He yelled walking the wrong way.(He said something similar, I think.)I heard movement behind the crates. I chose to ignore it, but I knew that someone was following us.

Gon and I  just looked at each other. He had a questioning look while I just shrugged. We three started to head off to the tree, until Leorio came back yelling "Wait for me!" Gon had on a surprised face and Kurapika had a "Dang it he came back" face.

What happened to you going the right way, eh?

Leorio looked away with an embarrassing face. I kept on hearing movement behind me. Ugh, that guy is still following us!! You can see that I had a pissed off face. "Um, Scarlet~chan are you okay?" Gon asked with a worried tone.

"Huh? Oh, I'm okay Gon. Don't worry about me." I said relieving him.

We stopped in our tracks, for a huge, parade-like car came out of a house. I was so confused until I thought this had something to do about the exam.

People were on the thing. An old woman was on the center of the stage." Before you enter, you have to answer one question to answer to pass or not. Got it?" The old women said. "Umm.." Gon was deep in thought.

"C'mon. If you don't answer then let me go first." A guy came out of behind some crates nearby with a smirk plastered on his face.He must be the person who followed us here. "Thanks for your help with leading me here." He smirked.

I really wanted to wipe that smirk off his hippopotamus face. I was really tensing up. I felt an arm on my shoulder. I looked and it was just Gon with a worried face. I sighed and calmed down a bit, but I was still glaring daggers at the hippopotamus though.

"Okay then, let's begin"she said"You can only pick one. Both your mom and your lover are being sacrificed. Who would you save?"

"My mom." He answered. "Why?" She calmly questions.
"Because you can get a new lover." He grins.
She sighed and let him pass." Bye see
you guys at the exam." He smirks. I glared at him so hard ,it was obvious he was shivering. He didn't pass at all. I knew this joke already, so I knew what it is. Its silence.

"Ok, your turn. (I'm sorry but I don't know the question exactly) It's about the same question, but a little different. Anyways, both your kids, a daughter and son, are both in trouble you can only save one, who?" She asked.

"No one answer, if you do you won't be able to go to the exam." I glared at them. Leorio shivered while Gon was deep in thought.

"What do you mean we can't answer?! If we don't then we won't pass god d*nmit!" He harshly said.
I let a small amount of aura, so he could at least shut his mouth until 10 seconds.

"You have eight seconds left." The old woman said.
"Hmm.." Gon hummed. "Ugh we need to answer, I'm telling you!" Leorio yelled. Ten seconds was up."Leorio, she said the guy passed not that he was correct." Kurapika said calmly.

Leorio had the most shocked and confused face ever! Finally, the woman answered," You are correct, young lady. You all may pass the correct way."

I grinned. We three were passing while Gon was sitting on the floor still thinking. "Huh? Gon, we got the question correct we can go now!" I yelled. " I know, but what if it really happens?" He replied.

I also wondered about that too, but I didn't think I had to worry about that because there's not much people who love me out there. I was starting to feel a little depressed about that thought.

We continued our way to the exam.

Watch out exam because I'm coming!!


Woooo!! I finally finished. I hope you enjoyed the third chapter of this book! What's going to happen to Scarlet and the others now? Who knows!( Except me)

Thank you @moonwolf220 for being the first person to read my book other than me! I hope you enjoy, kitten and my other kittens!!<3

📷Instagram: _annie._.tran_

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