Chapter 3

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Meryl was standing next to Don, holding his hand as the doctor checked him out. He was wide awake, and she could see the unknown and fear in his eyes. She remembered feeling that way after she was shot; she also remembered how Don never left her side the whole time which is exactly what she was going to do. She wasn't going to leave his side until she was able to take him home. "It's okay sweetheart, the doctor is just checking you, just relax. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."

"It's looking good." The doctor said wrapping the stethoscope around his neck.

Meryl kissed his cheek. "Does that mean we can take the ventilator out? I remember many years ago when I had one it was an awful feeling. I was scared and confused and I am sure Don feels like that. I can see it in his eyes."

"Ma'am, we need to make sure he is breathing on his own.  I am going to begin to wean him off the machine, and we will see how he is doing." The doctor explained.

Meryl sighed as she looked into Don's eyes and she could swear he was smiling at her, she knew he was when she felt him squeeze her hand. "I understand, I'm just anxious to make sure everything is okay."

"Judging by his reflexes, I don't think there's any paralysis. And judging by the way his eyes are following you, his memory is in tact. Everything is looking very, very good." The doctor told her.

Meryl smiled as she kissed Don's hand, that was her man all the way; that was also the reassurance she needed as she continued to be his cheerleader and also to make sure he was getting all the care he needed in order to make a complete recovery. "Okay, what do we do now?"

"Wait...that's all you can do right now. I know that doesn't seem very comforting but he really is doing very well considering everything he has gone through. All you can do right now is wait." The doctor said as he scribbled some things on Don's chart and hung it back on his bed. "Get some rest, and I'll be back in a few hours."

Meryl nodded at the doctor. "Okay, thank you." She sat down beside her husband after giving him a kiss on his cheek. "There's those beautiful blue eyes I could stare in forever, God, I am so happy to see them. I know I tell you all the time, but I love you Don, I love you more than anything else in the whole world. You are my world, my soul, my life. I don't EVER want you to forget or doubt that. You scared the shit out of me, but you're going to be okay." She stopped as Don lifted his weak arm and wiped her tears. "Always taking care of me." She laughed. "Sweetheart, in case you don't remember, you had a brain aneurysm and had surgery. The surgery was very successful, but you need to recover. Just rest baby, I'm going to be right here. I'm not leaving, I promise, sweetheart. I am going to be right here when you wake up again." Don lifted his hand and made the 'I love you' sign the kids used to always make which made Meryl smile and laugh through her tears. "I love you too baby, so much."


Don woke up a little while later, he didn't know what time it was, but he wasn't surprised to find his wife holding his hand-still.  Her head was laying on the bed while she sat in a chair, and held his hand in hers. His heart broke for her and everything she had gone through. He remembered what happened. The seizure in the studio and the heartbreak in her eyes when he told her to leave. He knew she would NEVER leave him, but it was hard for him as a man to have his wife take care of him. He now regretted saying that to her, as he could only imagine the pain she felt. But he was a man, it was his job to take care of her and their children, not her having to clean him up. However, he knew he would be right by her side and never leave if something happened to her. He knew what they had was something special, something amazing. They were partners. They were each other's home bases. He just wanted the best for her. He knew he had a lot to make up for to her; and he knew the only way he could do that was by getting well. It was in that moment that he made a silent promise to her and himself that once he was well then he was giving them both a new lease on life and what a life it was going to be. As he lay there he remembered a time in which he was in her position, waiting for her to wake up.

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