Chapter 47

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The next day Don took Meryl home and she was on strict orders to rest; which Don made sure of. Luckily for him, his hip was doing better, and he was even able to limp around without his damn cane. Meryl was still getting winded easily and Don insisted they sleep in the guest room downstairs, and Grace brought in the stuff they would need. Don was worried that she was still out of breath even after the surgery but the doctor assured both of them that her body was healing and getting used to her new pacemaker. Meryl was quick to point out that it was interesting that he wouldn't sleep down there in the guest bedroom for himself, but he would for her, to which Don just winked. He tucked her in bed and made her promise to rest while he went to make dinner.


Meryl was restless; she couldn't sleep. The last few weeks, not to mention months, really scared her. She lost her best friend, a grandchild, and almost Don too many times than she cared to remember. Then she was told she was dying, which wasn't accurate, and had a pacemaker put in. Her nightmare from her surgery still plagued her thoughts. She knew her husband would never turn to anyone else. She knew how much he absolutely adored her but it still left her feeling uneasy. She sighed; rest wasn't going to happen unless she had one thing.


Don had just put the lid on the homemade spaghetti sauce he was making when his cell phone he had on the counter signaled a text message. He quickly looked at it because he told Meryl to call or text if she needed him or felt any different. Don's heart started beating quickly when he saw a message from "wife":

Don Man, please come in here, I need you.

Don didn't need to read anymore; and he quickly made his way to the bedroom downstairs.


Don rushed in, well as fast as he could, and made his way right over to her; Meryl smiled when she saw her husband walk in. "Hey."

"Shhhhh...don't talk." Don said as he felt her forehead with one hand and her pulse with the other.

Meryl couldn't help but laugh. "What are you doing? My pulse is fine and I'm not running a temperature."

"Your text message scared me; what's wrong?" Don asked once he got his breath. "You said you needed me I thought you were having a complication or something."

Meryl shook her head as she kissed his hands. "I'm sorry; I just can't relax. I keep thinking about what that doctor..."

"I know, Darl; but you're going to be fine and you are NOT going anywhere for a VERY VERY VERY long time. You got it?" Don asked seriously. "I'm not going to let that happen."

Meryl nodded as she smiled. "I got it."

"Want me to relax you?" Don asked as she raised her eyebrow and gave him a great big smile. "As much as I'd love to; I don't think that's a good idea."

Meryl laughed at her predictable husband. "I wish; but I don't think I have the energy for that."

"Then what can I do? You need to get your rest; that's most important right now." Don pointed out.

Meryl got a sweet smile on her lips. "Sing to me."


Meryl was laying in bed waiting for her husband to return wondering what he was up to when he said he'd be back. She didn't wonder anymore when she saw him walk in with his guitar and sat next to her, kissing her lips before he started to play. "I have changed the name to Meryl's Song."

You fill up my senses

Like a night in a forest

Like the mountains in springtime

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