Chapter 27

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"Okay Louisa, you got her? Be careful." Don said as he opened the door to their apartment letting his girls in.

Meryl shook her head. "He's acting like he did when I was pregnant and brought you kids home."

"You're not are you?" Louisa teased.

Don grabbed his heart jokingly. "You're not ARE YOU?"

"Okay, you two." Meryl laughed. "No, I'm not pregnant."

Don went around the counter in the kitchen once Louisa got her mother settled at the breakfast bar. "You had a massive blood pressure attack; I just want to make sure you're okay."

"I am, Don Man; because you got me to the hospital by carrying me." Meryl squinted her eyes at him. "Don't think we won't talk about that later."

Don looked over at Louisa. "I'm sure we will. What do you girls want for lunch?"

"You two go lay down on the couch and I've got lunch covered." Louisa said walking over with flowers and a note. "Mom, it looks like Grandmother left you something."

Meryl took the card from Louisa. "Oh, I guess she did."

"Oh no you don't." Don said walking over to her sitting down at the breakfast bar. "You don't need to read ANYTHING from her."

Louisa began to make sandwiches. "What happened? What else did she say, Mama? It had to be bad."

"Let me just say it's nothing for you to worry about Lou. It was a fight that had been festering for years." Meryl began.

Don decided to take over as he knew she was covering for him. "Your grandmother went too far this time, well she goes too far all of the time, but this time she really went there. Your mom has been through hell and your grandmother sent her back there."

"I really don't want you to worry about it, sweetie." Meryl told Louisa as she reached over and squeezed Don's hand.

Don nodded his head in agreement. "That's right, I don't either, Lou. I am sorry for the things she said to you."

"I can take Grandmother Gummer." Louisa winked as she continued to make sandwiches.

Meryl couldn't help but laugh. "That's our girl. Lou, your father told me how you stood up for your father and me to your grandmother. We appreciate it so much."

"I'm a Gummer, we stick together." Louisa smiled.

Don was lost in thought for a moment. "Yeah, you're a Gummer."

"So, Lou." Meryl knew she needed to change the subject. "Have you told your siblings that I went to the hospital? I don't want them to cancel their plans to come home."

Louisa continued to fix lunch. "No, because I didn't really know what to tell them.

"We'll take care of it." Don said. "Sweetie, didn't you have plans today? Mom and I will be alright."

Meryl nodded knowing she and her husband needed to talk about whatever was in that letter. "That's right; we'll probably sleep."

"Well, I was going to meet some friends in Boston." Louisa said as she placed the sandwiches on plates.

Don took out his wallet and gave her some money as well as his car keys. "You be careful. I don't want you to take the train, take my car. Call when you get there and before you come back tomorrow."

"Gee, thanks Mom and Dad." Louisa said excitedly as she kissed them both. "You're sure you'll both be okay?"

Meryl looked at Don. "We'll be fine."

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