Chapter 5

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Over the next day Don got stronger and the doctors decided it would be best to do surgery on his spine. They didn't want to wait any longer and he was healing nicely from the brain surgery so it was time to tackle the next problem on the list. They warned both Meryl and Don that it was a serious and difficult surgery, but completely necessary. There was always a possibility of paralysis, but it was very slim. Both Meryl and Don agreed that they would do whatever needed to be done; however, Meryl couldn't hide her worry of him going under anesthesia so soon but the doctors assured her he was strong enough to handle it and that he would be alright. Meryl had reassured Don that whatever happened, he was her heart and nothing could change that. Don was still self-conscious and felt like he should be giving her more, and she pointed out he had already given her the moon. She also pointed out that there was no reason to worry, that they would just see what happened after the surgery.  Don made a silent promise to himself and to her when he was still on the ventilator and she was sleeping; he promised that he would make up for all the heartache and pain he caused her. He promised that he would make up for being so bull headed about getting the medical help he needed for months. He knew he couldn't make all that up to her, to them, if something happened so he was going to make damn sure it didn't happen.


It was the day before Christmas Eve, and Don had his surgery. Mamie and Henry had interviews which they wanted to cancel, but Don and Meryl told them they needed to go through with them, then they could spend the rest of the holiday with them in New York. Meryl was in the waiting room with Grace, Louisa, and Third when the doctor came out and said how well the surgery went, now they just had to wait for Don to wake up. Because of all the anesthesia and medicine he'd been on, it could take him longer to wake up, and they were monitoring him extra carefully. They could only allow a few people in his recovery room at a time. Grace and Louisa decided to go get some shopping done, and left their mother in the capable hands of their uncle. They promised to be back soon so they could see their father awake.


"You did so good, baby." Meryl whispered with a kiss to his hand she was holding as she sat in her place-right next to his bed. She had barely left his side since he was first brought into the hospital, only when she absolutely had to for his sake or the children's so that they could see him, and she sure as hell wasn't going to leave now. She wanted to be the first thing he saw when he came around; just as he was always the first thing she saw whenever she had come out of anesthesia. "All you have to do is rest and heal. We'll tackle whatever comes our way. Nothing would ever change my heart, Donald Gummer. I am so proud of you for being so strong and I just love you so damn much."

Third smiled as he walked in and put his hand on her shoulder. "Still not awake?"

"No...but all the nurses say that his vitals are good and strong. I just want him to take his time and heal. At least he doesn't have that damn tube down his throat this time." Meryl sighed.

Third smiled at his sister's love and devotion to her husband. "You know, I'm pretty glad I introduced you two. I can't imagine this family without him."

"Me either." Meryl smiled at her brother. "I think it was the nicest thing you have ever done for me."

Third laughed as he sat down next to her. "Well he has saved this family more than once, including mine. He is such a part of us, Meryl, just as he is a part of you and the kids. I honestly can't imagine any of our lives without him in it. He also makes for a damn good marriage counselor."


Meryl and Don had just brought their baby girl Mamie home from the hospital after spending two weeks in the NICU. She was perfectly healthy and almost six pounds now. Henry finally fell asleep, and so Don and Meryl were left with their baby girl. It was a moment they had been hoping and praying for since Meryl had her early and she had to have heart surgery.

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