Chapter 23

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"Meryl? What are you doing?" Don asked as he woke up and saw his wife sitting next to his hip on the sofa while she was looking down at a photo.

Meryl looked up at him and wiped her tear away. "Looking at this picture."

"That was a wonderful day. You know I was so angry when that first happened, but it was nice to have 2 of our kids there as we were LEGALLY married." Don laughed.

Meryl placed a sweet peck on his lips. "I never thought that day would get there, but it was perfect in the end."


"This was a great idea." Meryl said holding Mamie close to her chest.

Don wrapped his arm around her neck as they strolled through downtown Indianapolis. "Well, since I couldn't get us on a plane until later this evening, I thought it would be nice to take a walk. You know, make new memories of Indianapolis."

"Happy ones." Meryl whispered as she stopped and looked at Don, referring to their conversation the previous night.

Don smiled against her lips as he kissed them. "Very happy ones."

"What the fuck are you doing here?" An irritated voice asked.

Don broke away from kissing his wife and and sighed at who he saw. Don wrapped his arm protectively around Meryl who held Mamie protectively against her. "Why don't you ask your slut?" Don said as he led them away.

"You don't walk away from me, boy." James said grabbing Don's arm and pulling Don back towards him.

Meryl felt sick. "Come on baby, let's just go."

"Is that my granddaughter? Well, according to you two." James said as he went over to Meryl and Mamie.

Don immediately jumped in front of them. "You know the rules, you get help and become a new person, then you can see OUR children. NOT before then; and you aren't getting anywhere near Meryl either; especially not after what you did 2 years ago. I still can't fucking believe you're not still in jail...where you fucking belong."

"Well, at least you didn't kill this one." James muttered.

Tears sprang to Meryl's eyes. "Is that what you think?"

"Baby, don't listen to a word out of his dirty mouth." Don sighed when he saw the tears and doubts in her eyes; he could have killed his father for that fucking ridiculous comment.

James shrugged. "Maybe if you would have been a better mother then you wouldn't have miscarried the last one, and my granddaughter wouldn't have spent weeks in the hospital. You really should get your priorities straight."

"You listen here you son of a bitch." Don seethed as he looked around and pushed James into an alley and up against a wall. "She is the best mother in the whole world. There is NOTHING she wouldn't do for OUR children. She would die for them."

Meryl stood back and wiped her tears. "And Don."

"THIS is why you don't know your grandchildren. You come after my children or my wife aga-" Don was cut off.

James laughed menacingly. "Your what? Your wife? Are you sure about that?"

Don squinted his eyes. "You know, don't you?"

"Of course I know, Donald. You really are an idiot, aren't you? Who do you think told her not to sign?" James laughed. Don was about to knock the shit out of his father until he saw Meryl standing there holding his baby girl. He wanted to be someone they could both trust and be proud of. "What's the matter, boy, afraid to look like a fool when I plummet your ass?

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