Remember to lick your doors...

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Imagine this...
You're looking after your younger sister as parents are out. Your brother is out at a club and your sisters in bed.
It's god knows when in the morning and you were supposed to be asleep. Suddenly you realise the time and know your parents are about an hour away from getting home so you rush to bed.
So now you're in bed.
You hear a strange rustling outside your window (as your bed room is next to the side gate which leads to the garden) but dismiss it at a fox or something. Because let's be real, nothing exciting ever happens -especially not where I live.
Then you realise you forgot to lock the back door in your rush to go to bed! Just to make it even better, you hear the back door open.
So... now you're just in bed like... crap....
then you hear some footsteps! So (obviously your survival techniques kick in).
Now... in your room you have quite a few props and stuff from your media project etc. So hey! Why not scare him off with my super realistic water pistol and fake stabbing blade (The blade of the knife is plastic and goes into the handle to make it look like you stabbed yourself) better yet, the REAL scissors you have in your room! So many things to choose from but no... You didn't think of ANY of them and instead... You grabbed a book.
(It was a death sculpted by Chris Carter, a crime fiction about this serial killer who breaks into people's houses and kills people in this completely grim way where- I'm going off topic...)
So, fully armed with your... book... You make my way downstairs and stand against a wall so nobody can sneak up behind you and peer through the door which leads to the kitchen (with the backdoor).
Let's just say, it wasn't your cat OR dog that made that noise! (In fact all three (two dogs one cat) are asleep on the sofa.
In fact, there is a hooded figure about 6" tall who (thank god) isn't looking in your direction!
He's on the other side of the kitchen island which separates you.
So all you can think is how you have to protect your younger sister! So what do you do?
Crawl on the floor around the island (so he doesn't see you) and when his back is turned...
You hit him with the book.
I mean, you don't get the reaction you were hoping for... he doesn't get knocked out by your.... paper back book...
Instead he just starts rubbing his head cos (apparently you really hurt him) and turns around. How do you react?
"Oh! Hi bro! Didn't see you there! I was just looking for my book, and well... found it? Night!"
Well that could've gone better... or worse 😂😂😂

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