National science Demo day...what could possibly go wrong?

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National science demo day!!! The day science teachers have to do a class demonstration!!!
So... the teacher asks for a volunteer but (this being my class) nobody volunteers. So he picks five of us including this really irritating popular boy who I'm calling jack (his name isn't Jack) and a few others. Some how (obviously because otherwise I wouldn't have honoured you guys with this story) I was chosen too.
So...we're each given safety specs, a test tube full of Acid and a straw, the teacher briefly explains what we have to do. (Because we're in our last year we're aloud to use pretty much any chemicals) so... he explains that if we swallow any of this, our mouth will blister up and our throats will swell up and burn. He then instructs us to blow through the straw into our acid to make bubbles! Yay!
So... I blow into it only for all the liquid to bubble over and spill everywhere. So I've now got acid all over my face and clothes but also spilt it all over Jack (not his real name) who screams and spills his own over himself. And now the whole class (myself included) start laughing as the teacher decides now niche a good time to say 'oh, the science preps that set this up may have put a little bit too much acid into the test tubes'
Really? Wow, I'd never have guessed! Thank you for bringing that to my attention.
So... I completed the experiment...covered in Acid. Had to change into the spare uniform which just happened to be the spare kit...does this remind you of anything?

does this remind you of anything?

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Yep. This is how my life works, fail after fail in a continuous loop.

After me and jack (not his real name) we're both in matching outfits...looking like flamingoes... yay...
A couple of minuets later, I had a drink as my mouth felt funny and as the water went down my throat I felt a slight burn and only then do I realise... oh... I must've actually had acid in my mouth from the whole blowing!
So.... it didn't end there.
I had science again and we did the screaming jelly baby experiment...let's just say that I don't think sir was expecting the whole GLASS test tube to catch fire and explode... whoops. Ha! Well at least it wasn't my fault that time!

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