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So we drama students have an annual scare fest every Halloween!
So, I was in year 10 meaning we were preparing it (cos year 11 have exam prep)
So, we decide for it to be 'the darkest corners of the night' or something.
So, our victims- I mean audience wait in the hall for a guide where there's a stake next to them and all they can hear is screaming from behind the curtain. They then start getting taken around the halls where people are acting all differently, there's people rocking and going full out psycho and is scary. They then reach the first room (class room with us in) and this room is called 'child's play' (bows - yes I came up with the name -bows again-) so they come in and there's two rows of chairs where they sit and on the performance space are all our actors (two in my year who are in charge and the others are year below and do basically what we say because they're in charge next year) so they're all looking... dead.
So our audience all sits down, cautious of the huge hack in a box type thing right next to them and start watching.
So it's all creepy, creepy music, creepy acting, creepy everything.
Then, all of a sudden, I jump out the box.
Yes, I was in the box.
Yes, I was a jack in a box.
Yes I am tall and yes it was a VERY tight fit.
So I jump out and flop over the front of the box. But I scare... everyone... cos I'm the jump scare!
In fact, I scared them so much so that the girl watching in the year above me leaped off her chair, fell onto her friend beside her, screamed and managed to very conveniently kick her chair in my direction.
Did it hurt?
Well what do you think!!!
Did I corpse (break roll)?
I got revenge. Remember, I was the crazy scary actor!!!
I won't go into the scary details but let's just say that they got so scared one of them had to come BACK to our room after they finished to meet us cos we'd freaked them out so much (this was someone in the room at the time... she was like 9! There was an age recommendation for a reason!)
But yeah, I made her laugh, she realised that I'm not scary... all the time. And then she left.
That was last years scare fest!

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