Important speech

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In the English English exam-
I'm going to start again...

In the British English exam (that's better)  you have to do this speech called the speaking and listening where you write and deliver a speech for an invigilator to mark. Sounds fun right?
So, I'm doing this dramatic, speech thing about body images and representation of women for mine (you get graded higher for doing it on an ethical issue) and I've got it memorised and everything.
So the girl before me goes up and does hers on Harry Potter conspiracy theories (it can be on anything) and then it's my go.

Now let me set the scene.
I'm in a small class room -about 2 and a half metres by 5 metres (cos normally our classrooms are huge). There's these huge flats (like a massive wooden board on wheels with a plain back ground to give us full focus) one behind me and one diagonally either side so that all the focus is on the speaker. There's also a table and chair which the anxious people use so they don't have to stand (because loads of people are really nervous about speaking to a crowd -oh did i mention you have at least six other people in the room?) and a camera opposite the speaker.
So my teachers get me to introduce my speech and all that then tells me to begin.
So I'm doing this speech and following all the rules, making eye contact, waving my arms about like a passionate speaker, pretending I wasn't FORCED to do this. So, (as I'm squished behind the table and that) I take another step back.
And this is when life remembers:
'Oh! It's Libby, she's almost gone a week without failing! I guess we'd better change that'
So I step backwards, loose my footing and fall backwards into the flap behind me. So as I'm weightlessly drifting through fin air to my doom, I decide it would be wise to grab one of the other flats for support... turns out they were on wheels. So the flats collapse, I'm stuck under a pile of these things and it was all caught on camera... yay...
Oh! Hey, but at least I finished my speech right?!?!

Well...That was a DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now