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Ibuki screamed as she chased around crabs on the beach. Togami flipped the open sign of his stand. Sonia giggled at the screamo wannabe's antics.

"So, Sonia, anything interesting happen lately?" Togami asked, pouring a glass of lemonade for the princess.

Izuru scuttled over, offended by the actions against his people. He hissed while Ibuki screamed and began chasing him.

Izuru hissed again while scuttling to the bottom of the pool. Because of his extremely long hair, some of it was still on the surface.

Ibuki ran over and grabbed the Holy Hope's hair, making Izuru jump out of the pool like a dolphin. Izuru snarled, but suddenly felt limp.

Hinata held a tranquilizer gun while Izuru and Ibuki preceeded to foam at the mouth. "My work here is done," he nodded at Togami, walking away, probably to chug some orange juice.

"NUUUUUUUU!!!11!!!1111!!1!1111!!!1!111 HOPE JESUUUUUUUUUUUS!1!!!!11!!1!!1!!11" Komaeda screamed, rushing over to his Hope God.

"Well, maybe that," Sonia finally replied, sipping her lemonade while giggling.

Togami's Lemonade StandWhere stories live. Discover now