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Togami sniffled as the small lemonade stand was being burned to a crisp, wiping the esteemed tears from his esteemed eyes.

"Who would do such a cruel, despair inducing thing?" Sonia cried, sobbing with her fists in the air. AI Junko materialized next to the princess, whistling at the sight of the stand burning. "Shame. This was a decent story," she patted Togami on the back.

"Fuck you. All of you. Fuck you very, very much," Kuzuryuu hissed, spitting on the floor and walking to his cottage. Monomi puffed her cheeks out, eyes narrowing as she followed Kuzuryuu.

"I'm feeling a bit tired," Togami yawned, eyes drooping. I'll head back to my boat and sleep. I shall return, and when I do, I want a new stand built and able to run," he ordered, passing some money to Sonia.

Sonia nodded and took the money, dashing off to find Souda and Gundam to help with the new stand.

Togami took one, two, three steps before falling over and passing out, glasses landing safely next to him.

Togami's Lemonade StandWhere stories live. Discover now