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"Okay, you guys, today is Sonia's birthday, and I have something amazing planned!"

"Pssh, please. I guarantee you that Mikan has something better than you."

"Th-thank you for your kindness, Saionji!"

"Shut it, pig barf."

"I-I'm sorry! Please forgive me!"

"Can we get back to the original plot here?"

"Yes, I agree. You all are acting like idiots."

"Naegi? Kirigiri? What are you doing here?"

"Sonia is personally our favorite girl out of this class."


"Shut it, shorty."

"H-Hey! I had that growth spurt!"

"You're still shorter than all of the girls except Chiaki."


"Good. Anyway, I have a plan."

*Spongebob narrator voice*
2 hours later

Togami knocked on Sonia's door, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for her to answer. "Yes, Togami?" She answered.

"Come with me, it's important." Togami began walking away without a reply, expecting Sonia to follow (which she did, thankfully).

Everything was set up for a perfect princess' 19th birthday party.

It was darkly themed, as to suit her and Gundam's tastes.

When Sonia arrived at the building, Souda flicked on the lights and dived under the table, not wanting Sonia to see him yet.

"Oh my gosh! This is..... Absolutely amazing!! Thank you, guys!" Sonia burst into tears. "Don't cry, Sonia! This was all done by Souda, though, so you can keep crying now," Saionji hissed towards the table Souda was under. Sonia began wailing, burying her face into Togami's chest.

"Excuse me, but even though we are politically equal, it doesn't give you the right to....." Togami trailed off as he saw the angry - not to mention deathly - glare from Koizumi, Saionji, Hinata, Kirigiri, Akane, Kuzuryuu, Souda and Gundam. He rolled his eyes and awkwardly patted her on the back.

"Are you ready?!?!" The wild scream of a familiar wannabe rang throughout the place.

"YEAH!!" Saionji and Souda yelled enthusiastically.

"HELL NO!!" Yelled everyone else.

Izuru played the piano as an extremely neon colored guitar appeared from nowhere, Ibuki beginning to play it with such a graceful ferocity that it shocked everyone.

((Tfw you're too lazy to put the lyrics and there's already a video on it))

Sonia gasped, pretty much blown away. "Y-you guys...!" Sonia sniffled. "This is my absolute favorite birthday ever! You guys are like my family! Thank you all so much!!"

"Oh ho ho, but the night isn't over yet!" Souda shouted, also from nowhere. ".... O....... Oh......" Sonia replied, looking down.

Ibuki ripped off the bright neon outfit, leaving her in a black pencil skirt and a white button up with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. She pulled a black fedora from her back and putting it between her cones/horns.

Izuru took off his blazer and rolled up his sleeves, his hair tied up in a bun. Komaeda appeared on the other side of the stage, fluffy marshmallow hair tied up in a tiny ponytail, his jacket abandoned, also with a rolled up white button up shirt.

They commenced a clearly choreographed dance, with Ibuki in the middle as the starter.

((Sorry this was the closest thing to what I was searching for. Ibuki is the middle while Izuru is on the left and Komaeda is the right))

Sonia's jaw dropped, face going pale as the arms and legs on stage swayed and twisted. "Oh my......"

Togami turned away, slamming his head on the wall.

"Souda did this."

"....... Clearly......."

Togami's Lemonade StandOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz