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Hinata appeared dressed as a duck. "Hey, Togami," he said, waving is arm/wing. "Why are you dressed like a duck?" Togami asked. "Well, I was dared to by Souda. He'd dress up like a dinosaur while I dres-"

"Whoa, hold the metaphorical phone. Why did you pronounce it deeno-soar? It's die-no-soar." "..... Another dare......" "Souda?" "....... Saionji."

Togami face palmed. "Can you..... Not do that at my stand?" "No, I have to do it everywhere," Hinata sighed, clearly irritated. "Goddamn it."

Souda stomped around like a dinosaur in a vomit green fuzzy t-rex suit. Hinata squawked, imitating a duck perfectly while violently attacking Souda. Souda was rendered defenseless as his arms were stuck in the tiny arm sleeve things. Souda roared, a mighty roar that scared Togami.

Gundam marched over, taming Souda while fighting the squawking Hinata.

"I swear to Money, there is something wrong with these people," Togami hissed bitterly as Ibuki tackled him and colored his hair with color chalk.

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