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Ibuki screamed from Nekomaru's shoulders, startling Togami out of his half asleep stupor. "Oh my money, Ibuki!" Togami hissed, pointing to the spilled lemonade on the floor. Ibuki gasped and began lapping up the lemonade from the floor like a dog.

"Disgusting," Togami rolled his eyes.

Ibuki stood up, wiping the remainders off of her chin onto her arm warmer. "Hey, Togami!" she called, marching up to the stand and looking at Togami in the eye, a wide smile on her face.

"What," Togami asked wearily. "You look like you need some music in your life!" she called, dashing away.

"No, actually, I'm fine!" Togami yelled after her. Ibuki didn't hear (or didn't want to), because she kept running.

"I'd like some lemonade," Nekomaru said, pulling out a black leather wallet. Togami's eyes had small money symbols in them as Nekomaru pulled out the Monopoly money.

"Here. Keep the change, yeah?" Nekomaru said, handing him five 5000 dollar bills while grabbing the pitcher and chugging it.

He let out a pleased grunt, and he looked at Togami. "This is some damn good lemonade!" he said, showering Togami in money.

Togami had heart shaped eyes as he held the precious mons, kissing it and flinging it in the air.

"Ah, Togami! I found this large pile of money, and I thought I'd bring it to you!" Sonia chirped happily.

Togami was buried under the rainbow colored money, and he cried. "It's so beautiful~" Togami sniffled.

All of a sudden, he heard demonic screaming in the distance. He shot up like a bullet, some of his precious money landing on his head.

Ibuki was screaming from a mini stage of what looked to be made of Izuru's hair, both he and Komaeda holding it up. She was screaming into a microphone, which was amplifying her voice through a subwoofer.

Togami hid in his small pile of money, only to be joined by everyone else except Sonia, Ibuki, Izuru and Komaeda.

"Even you two, Syo and Ishida?" Togami asked, surprised. "Well, I can handle occasional screams, but hers is just.... So..... terrifying," Syo gave a traumatized look. "Screaming isn't gently caressing allowed in a school- erm, island... environment, but it's too powerful, even for me!" Ishida snarled angrily. Hinata patted Ishida gently, being as he was the closest to him besides Syo.

A loud, demonic, angry scream resounded within the money pile, and Togami carefully poked his head out. Ibuki looked absolutely furious, and the boys holding her up were rushing over to the pile. Togami gasped and went back into the pile.

"I-is everything okay?" Mikan asked timidly, causing Togami to shake his head in fear. "Everyone, huddle up, and whatever happens, don't let her scream get you, you hear me? I will not allow anyone to die for this foolishness!" he hissed, wrapping his arms around Saionji and Kuzuryuu.

Everyone gave Togami a fearful glance, but they all wrapped their arms around each other's shoulders.

Ibuki's scream blew the precious money away, causing Togami to cry. Everyone was in a sacrificial huddle, causing Ibuki to gasp. "Grab her!" Togami shouted, tears in his eyes. "NO!!" Ibuki screamed, trying to get away. Izuru's hair morphed into a slide, making Ibuki screech as the others dragged her in.

She kicked and bit and screamed, yet they all fought against her anyway. She screamed her final scream, making everything else, including the lemonade stand, blow away with a great force. Everyone struggled against her power, but were able to place her in the circle.

"Gundam! Now!" Togami shouted, signaling Gundam to do his weird thing.

Gundam cleared his throat. "Demon Musician, we are gathered her to send you back to the depths of hell where you belong!" Gundam stated, his eyes blazing with determination. Ibuki snarled, trying to attack Gundam.

"Fear not, Mioda, for we will clense your soul of the demon residing within you!" Ibuki let out a scream, which obviously didn't affect Gundam.

"Return! Return to hell, O demonic one!" Gundam reached for his Scepter of Demonic Entity, violently smashing it oh her head. "Begone, and may the power of Hope Jesus repel you!" Gundam smacked her once more with a sickening crack, and Ibuki fell to the floor.

Togami gasped, beginning to move. "Do NOT break the circle, lest our cleansing ritual be in vain," Gundam growled. Togami stopped and placed his arms over the shorter people once more.

Gundam pointed the bloodied scepter to her heart. He muttered something, closing his eyes and making a prayer motion. He kneeled on one leg and muttered some more chants in latin.

He got up and nodded, opening his eyes after a moment. Everyone broke from the circle, and began mourning for Ibuki. "You imbeciles, she isn't dead," Gundam rolled his eyes and picked Ibuki up bridal style. Mikan gasped and ran towords Ibuki and Gundam, Gundam leading her to the hospital.

Togami turned to the spot where his lemonade stand once was. "I should convert," he said, walking up to Komaeda.

Togami woke with a start. "Oh. My. Money," he said, rubbing his eyes. "I'd die before I convert to Hope Jesus. That was an awful dream," he said, shaking that thought away from his brain.

Togami's Lemonade StandWhere stories live. Discover now