The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(9)

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"Sylvia... I'm SO sorry. I can explain. But I would prefer to say it face to face..." 

"Hah!" I snorted. "No." 

"Please Sylvia... It isn't what you think. Maddi.." 

"Maddi isn't your girlfriend that you cheated on with me?" 


"That's what I though. Leave my stuff, and the Oreo's on the porch but take your explanation and shove it!" I slammed the window.. Not thinking about my parents who were only rooms away.

For the past couple days, I haven't left the comfort of my air conditioned house. Not that my parents really minded, we still had a lot to unpack. My Dad had to go to the office though, and I was so glad that I was cooperative because it seemed like nothing to whip the smile off his face. I could have been like "Hey Dad- I'm pregnant." and he probably would have been like "hopefully it's twins, because I could totally afford them." 

Okay... Not THAT happy- so don't try that at home. But you could just tell that that he seemed so excited to have this job and it made me happy that I came. Regardless to the people (boy *cough cough*) that I was stuck living next to. 

I wasn't exactly rushing while putting the expensive china in the deep mahogany hutch when there was a random knock on the door.  

"Silly-" My Mom called my nickname out. "Can you get that?!" My Mom's hands were tied because she was painting the kitchen because it was this wicked boring white and it was driver her insane. She picked out a mellow yellow and everyone would know the color because she was wearing it by noon when she started at eleven. 

I rushed to the door, and opened it to see a old couple with.. Chase hiding sheepishly behind them. The woman seemed overexcited. 

"Hi! I'm your new neighbor from across the street. This is my husband Rob, I'm Kristie, and this is my son Chase." She continued smiley widely as she introduced me to her family. "It looks like you and Chase could be the same age!" Kristie was so excited, that I couldn't burst her bubble that her son was a lying asshole! I made a face but hid it with my hair. 

"Hi, I'm Sylvia. My Dad is currently working but my Mom is out back in the kitchen. Would you like to come in while I got her?" Kristie nodded excitedly as I stepped back to let them in. "Please excuse the mess of boxes, we're still in the process of unpacking everything." I smiled before running away to find my Mom. 

My Mom would hate me for this, because when I got in the kitchen, the walls were almost done and looking great, but she was covered. It made me laugh out loud. (AN- fought the urge to say "lol".) She was huffing and when she saw me she just laughed. "Next time I get the bright idea to paint- get me the phone book I'm hiring someone!"  

I laughed with her. "Uhm- we have people here to see us. They bare gifts!" I said faking excitement and my Mom could tell as she gave me the dirtiest look. 

"You didn't..." She breathed. 

"Totally did- their waiting!" I laughed as I ran back out to the entrance place where the family was waiting. My Mom fallowed me, dragging her feet. 

"Hello!" Chase's Mom said, reaching her hand out to shake my Moms. My Mom looked panicked.  

"I have over half the gallon of paint of me, you do not want to touch me." She laughed, and Chase's family joined in. I refused to look him in the eyes, or at him for that matter- but I could feel his stare on my short Nike shorts and small tank top. I wasn't expecting people over- how does he always see me at the worst of times?! 

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