The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(17)

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It was so obvious I didn’t want to be here, but I blended in very well with the rest of sleep deprived high school kids. It was the first day of my Junior year, and to make matters worse I was at a completely different school. At my old school, all my classes were inside, and when you stepped into the building you weren’t leaving it until 2:15. No outdoor classrooms, nothing. I also had barely over five hundred kids in my school, so it complete change here. There are 5,000 kids, and you can’t get classroom to classroom without going outside into a metal covered hallway. I thought schools like this only existed on TV, but I was wrong. The cafeteria was outside, in the middle of the open space in the rounded hallways. It was all too much to take in, but I was so glad that my Mom took me to the school a couple days ago because I would be completely lost.
    The day so far had gone on uneventful for the most part. Due to the fact this was a huge school I wasn’t the only new kid, no one clung to me like they would at my old school. I was thankful for that though, I had no interest in being here so no one decided that they wanted to be my friend. I had the least approachable face I could sum up, and it was working just fine.
    So far, and I was in my third block out of five I had talked to no one but the people I was forced to sit next to because I was getting into the classes so late because even though I had been here twice before I still had no idea where I was going. My Mom literally forced me to go every time, including today. This morning, my Dad had already gone to his work. The hospital hadn’t opened yet, but my Dad was needed there to get the paper work of all his future patients situated, so it was up to my Mom to wake me up.
    Lunch couldn’t have come soon enough, but I couldn’t stop myself from dreading it. Who was I going to sit next to? No one even talked to me in this class… I would sit by myself and look like a little loner.
    Slowly I made my way to the middle of the building, the cafeteria. I wasn’t hungry, if I was I would have gone to the kitchen like majority of the students that had third lunch, but the butterflies were taking up all the space that I had in my stomach.
    I made it to the sunny café, and was overwhelmed by the amount of people. How out of all these people did I feel so alone?
    For a moment or two I just stood there helplessly, lost in my thoughts because under a shaded palm tree, sat Abel at a picnic table. Immediately I felt like screaming Halleluiah!!!, but instead I just jogged up to the boy who was reading contently. I slid on the bench until my body knocked against his, and he flinched so bad he stood up. I was more than aware of how many people were staring at us.
    “Hey…” I said lamely. Abel just stared down at me in shock, his book forgotten on the table. He caught his breath.
    “You scared me.” He said breathlessly, sitting back down next to me. Everyone still stared at us.
    “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to, I was just so relieved when I saw someone I knew!” I insisted, smiling widely trying to make Abel happy. He didn’t look too pleased.
    “Well you know them.” He jutted his chin out and pointed to the table in the middle of the café and I made a face at how obnoxious Chase and his friends were acting.
    “I think I’ll pass.” Abel laughed at my response.
    “You and me both.” He insisted.
    Together we spent out half and hour lunch, just talking about everything from the huge sum of people who were staring at us, and the book he was reading that I could tell he didn’t want to talk about.
    So overall, my whole day sucked besides lunch. The only class I had with anyone else was my last block and I have Jamie, who told me in confidence she can’t stand Chase. This whole summer I guess he changed, and someone who overheard our conversation, another girl from the desk in front of us turned around, guessed who we were talking about and nodded in agreeing. Not like any of that even matters, if I never talk to him again it will defiantly be too soon. All I knew was that tomorrow was the first soccer try out, and that I was going to make the team.

sooo im not completely stuck on this or anything >_>
but you see the last line in this?! i finally have something to go off on!
and if you have any ideas, im ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL ALLLLLLLLLLL ALLLLLLLL ears.

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