Where's Kai?

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I woke up to kids.I really need to get them another room.Why didn't I tell Jay to tell Roger to do that when he was rebuilding the Bounty?It was more sci-fi now.And of course now it was blue because you know,Jay,blue lightning ninja.Yeah.I got out of my bed and put on my clothes."You fools have five seconds before I go berserk",I said.Emily smiled at me."Bite me." I really should take her last advice to me.I ignored the lava ninja and went down to the school.
Kai's point of view
I panted and slashed at the white eyed man with my sword.He dodged and ran circles around me with super speed."What's wrong?",He asked as his eyes flashed silver.He turned his body into metal and punched me.The punch sent me flying into a wall.I held a fireball in my hand."Fire!",I shouted as I threw the fireball at him.He blocked with a metal hand and his eyes turned dark green.Vines began to wrap around my body.I burned them and coughed up blood.How was he so powerful?And why did he have the powers of the elemental masters?He disappeared and I created a fire circle around myself.He would not be catching me off guard.He appeared closer to me and his eyes turned from light yellow to red-violet.He lifted his hand and I was lifted off of the ground."What now Master of Fire?",He asked."What will you do?" I didn't answer and instead glared at him."You may have beat me but my friends will stop you",I choked.He smirked."Really now?Say goodbye Master of Fire." He floated me toward him and touched my chest.Red energy surrounded his hand for a second.His eyes then flashed red and then to dark purple.I felt my strength leave me and black spots filled my vision.The last thing I saw was my attacker waving a hand at me before my world faded to blackness.
My point of view
I walked into Kai's class and was surprised to see a substitute.Strange I could've sworn I saw him in the Bounty.I walked out of the classroom and went to Nya's class.I walked up to her and ignored the students she was teaching."Do you know where Kai is?",I asked.She looked at me and I saw that her face was pale."Something's wrong with Kai",She stated.I'm guessing this was a sibling thing.I share the same connection with my twin brother."We need to find him",I declared."I still have a class to teach." "I'll get my team then." I left her room and pulled out my phone.I called Marquel and waited for him to respond."Bro!",He shouted."Sup?!" "Calm down",I commanded."I need your help.We need to assemble the elemental squad." "Ok."
10 minutes later
We all stood on the deck of the Bounty."So what are we doing?",Marquel asked."Are we seeing Zygon?",Shira asked hopefully."We are going to find Kai",I declared."All right let's go",Chase said as he summoned his dragon.He pulled out a radar."This can detect elementals",He explained."Time to get Kai",I said.We all flew off of the Bounty and followed Chase.

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