Jaxon's plan and mercenaries

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Jaxon's POV
The ninja were more powerful then I previously thought.They were able to defeat my minions.That was most likely the shadow boy's doing.Oh well.That was a distraction anyway.My real plan is quite simple:Steal the elements of the elemental masters and take over the world.After becoming overlord I will destroy every elemental master.I will then send all living creatures to Planet Jaxon.After that I will destroy the earth and the people of Ninjago will worship me as a god.First I needed assistance.I needed to contact a friend.
My point of view
"How are we going to put our plan into action?",I asked.Kyle thought for a while and then nodded."We'll catch him by surprise",He declared."First we need to get back to his planet."Marquel and Dusty groaned."I'm not going back there",Dusty said."He tried to kill us the last time we were there." "He almost succeeded too",Marquel added."Don't worry",Violet said."We won't be prisoners when we go there." "We can still die." A red arrow flew past my head.Ronin walked over to it and took it out of the wall."This looks like one of mine",He said.His eyes then widened."Get down!",Kyle and Ronin shouted together.Rose and I created a shield around everyone as the arrow exploded.Smoke filled the Bounty as flames touched anything flammable.Jay pushed a button and water instantly rained down on the flames,extinguishing them."I knew we would need that someday",He said."Why would we need that?",I asked."Nya's a fire hydrant.Or was a fire hydrant.Forget my earlier question." Ashlyn put up her hands and cleared the smoke.Thank God Jay made the new Bounty out of things that weren't flammable.I need to ask him about it later.We all ran on the deck of the Bounty 2.0 and looked down at a building.A masked stranger pulled out another arrow and fired it up toward us.Amy shot it out of the air with her own arrow.How did he get the arrow into the Bounty anyway?Oh wait we were close to the buildings.The man fired another arrow and Shen blew it back toward him with wind.He jumped to another building as the arrow exploded."Kevin go put out that fire on the building",I said."Who wants to volunteer to attack that man with me?" Skylor,Kai,Marquel,and Rose all raised their hands."I only need one person." "I'll go with you",Ronin said."I want to know who attacked us." "We'll cover you up here",Garmadon said."Go." Ronin and I jumped down after we went close to a building.We landed on the roof of a building and Ronin pulled out his glaive.He threw it at the masked man.The man dodged and Ronin caught the glaive as it came back to him.The man shot an arrow at us and we dodged.We jumped to another building and he jumped to another one as well.I went into my violent dragon stage and flew toward him.I landed in front of him and he kicked me.I didn't even react."Violent dragon skin",I said."You can't hurt me." "We'll see about that",He said.He sounded a lot like Ronin.The masked man took off his mask and pulled out two black swords.He looked like Ronin too.Well,minus the eye patch.I dodged a slash and created an energy dragon arm to grab Ronin and bring him to us."Ronin",the man said.How he knew Ronin,don't ask."Blade?",Ronin asked."Is that you?" The man didn't answer.He kicked Ronin and I shot a fireball at the man.He dodged it and whistled.Three mercenaries ran out of a door.They all ran by Blade's side."How do you know that guy?",I asked as I helped Ronin to his feet."He's my brother",Ronin answered. "Tai and Kai look alike.Skylor and Jaxon look alike.My brother and myself look alike.And you and this man look alike.How many other people on our teams have a twin?" Actually now that I think about it only the people I listed are twin siblings."I don't know the answer to your question",Ronin said."I just know we need to get away from my brother." Blade pointed at me."Jaxon wants the dragon boy alive",He said."You can kill my brother if you want." The three mercenaries charged toward us as Blade pulled out a phone.He talked into it and put it away.I dodged a stab from a mercenary's sword and kicked him off of the building.Ronin tripped one in front of him and kicked him away.The girl mercenary kept her distance.She pulled out a bow and arrow and aimed at me.I sighed and grabbed the arrow.I then blasted her off of the building."What now?",I asked.Blade laughed."I have reinforcements coming.I also have Jaxon coming",He said."How do you know Jaxon?",Ronin asked. "If only you knew brother." Blade put away his swords.Portals appeared and helicopters flew out of them.A ladder fell down from a helicopter and he climbed onto it."Goodbye ninja",He said."In about,ten seconds I'd say." We watched the helicopter fly toward the rest of the helicopters.The anchor of the Bounty fell and Ronin and I climbed up it."Who was that man?",Misako asked.Zane and Pixal both looked at the helicopter."Blade",they said together."He is a mercenary and brother to Ronin." "You have a brother?",Kai asked."Yeah,so do you",Ronin answered."Keep up Kai",I said.The helicopters flew over us and mercenaries fell from them.They landed on the Bounty 2.0 and began to attack us.I kicked one of the Bounty and spun into spinjitzu.I flung to into each other and the third went flying off of the Bounty.Marquel slashed one with his sai and did a round house kick to one's head.Shira shot an arrow at a mercenary's head and kicked another in the stomach.Ronin pulled out two red swords and jumped off of the Bounty.Rex caught him and flew toward the helicopter Blade was in.I held two mercenaries in my hands and flew off of the Bounty.I dropped them and shot a fireball at a helicopter.It blew up and I continued to shoot fireballs at the rest of them.Ronin jumped off of Rex as he made it to Blade's helicopter.I flew toward them and landed inside of the helicopter."We meet again",Blade said.He and Ronin began to fight each other with their swords.I attacked the pilot and threw him out of the helicopter."We should go",I told Ronin.He put away his swords."This isn't over Ronin",Blade said."Sure it is",Ronin said."We just have to fight another time.See yah." We jumped out of the helicopter and landed on the Bounty.Blade jumped out as well and pressed a button.A black version of Rex appeared and he flew off.

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