Where are the others?

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Someone shook me in my sleep.I tried to ignore them but they shook me again.I opened my eyes slowly."Martel wake up",someone said."I'm awake",I replied.I looked up to see Shadow.She was crying.I immediately sat up and looked down at her."What's wrong?",I asked nervously."I can't find dad",She replied. "Maybe he left to do something." "I also can't find Marquel." I stood up immediately.I held Shadow's shoulders as tears continued to fall down her face."We need to find them.Wake up everyone in here and I'll get everyone else",I said.I left her and ran to Jay's room.He should already be up since he gets up early.I walked into his room and found that it was empty.How?I ran to Lloyd's room next and saw that it was empty as well."No way",I said as I entered Ash's room.His room was empty as well.I ran frantically to Kai's room and then Cole's.Both were empty.I went to Dusty's room and tried to calm my breathing.He was gone.After searching everyone's room I confirmed that only Kyle,Shira,Rose,the children,and myself were left in the Bounty.Minerva was gone as well but she was most likely with Neuro.I went back to everyone who was left and looked at them with a distressed look."Everyone's gone",I told them.Ashlyn looked at me."Are you sure?",She asked.I nodded and she sighed.Kyle sighed and looked away from us."I knew this would happen",He said."Even if I warned everyone we wouldn't know what took them." "We need to look for them",I said.Everyone nodded."First we must prepare",Kyle said."Shira have you tried reaching the others with your magic?",I asked.She nodded."I cast the spell but I wasn't sent anywhere",She said."I tried to teleport to them and nothing happened",Rose added.Great.Now we can't just teleport to them.Everyone left to their rooms to prepare except for Shadow and Rose.Shadow was still crying quietly in a corner."Don't worry Shadow,we'll find them",I assured her.She looked up at me."What if we don't?",She asked.I didn't have an answer to that.Luckily for me,Rose did."Don't think like that Shadow",Rose said."You'll see your father again." Shadow looked skeptical but wiped her tears away.She hugged me and then hugged Rose."Thank you",She said.Rose and I smiled at her."You're welcome",we replied simultaneously.She left us and Rose turned to me."We could be child whispers",She said."Do you actually believe we'll find the others?",I asked. "Of course.Don't you?" "I can only hope." She punched my arm."We will." I smiled at her and kissed her."I know."
Marquel's POV
I woke up and knew something was wrong.I was in a cell for starters.I looked around and saw that the others were in a cell as well.Well everyone except Kyle,Rose,Shira,the kids,and my brother.I watched as everyone else woke up and heard Kai curse."Where are we?",Tai asked.Jaxon walked into the room and smiled at us."Good your awake",He said as he stopped in front of my cell."I was afraid you would stay asleep forever.I have brought you all to planet Jaxon!" "There's a planet named after you?",Jay asked.Jaxon turned to him and smiled."The planet is my own creation." That means he has my element.When did he get my element again?Oh yeah when we attacked him.Oh God he has my element!"How did we get here?",Sensei Wu demanded."I seem to have a connection with the people I've stolen an element from",Jaxon answered."I was able to summon you here along with my sister and the other elemental masters." Kai glared at Jaxon."Where is Skylor?!",He demanded.Jaxon smiled at him."Don't worry.My sister is safe on this planet with you.She is just in another cell room with the elemental masters." "Where's my brother?",I asked."He and the masters of time and darkness are still where they live.The elf girl and the elemental brats are also with them",Jaxon answered."Now then if we are done with that,I would like to give you a tour." "We're not going anywhere with you",Lloyd growled.Jaxon laughed."I'm sorry Master of Energy.But you don't have a choice." His eyes turned indigo as the cells opened.He put his index fingers on his temples and our bodies began to move on their own."How?",Cole asked."Mind control,Master of Earth,mind control",Jaxon answered.
My point of view
We searched everywhere.We even had Caleb's team search with us.We still couldn't find the others.Shadow cried again and the kids comforted her.Ashlyn was also crying.Minerva had come to us and told us that her father was gone.After searching some more we had confirmed that the elemental masters were gone.It seems like everyone who lost their element was gone."That's it!",I said suddenly."What is?",Rose asked.I turned to my girlfriend and smiled at her."We need to look for Jaxon.Everyone who lost their element to Jaxon is gone so it would make since to think they were with him." Rose nodded then looked up."What's that?",She asked.I looked up and saw a small green planet close to Earth.It was close enough to see that buildings were on it.Kyle walked over to us along with the others."Are you seeing what I'm seeing?",Caleb asked.I nodded and Zygon gasped."That's impossible",He said."Yeah,only Marquel can make planets appear out of nowhere",Raiden said.Wait a minute Jaxon stole Marquel's element."Jaxon stole Marquel's element yesterday",I stated."Maybe he created the planet." Kyle nodded."That makes since",He said."We need to get up there." "We need a rocket ship to get up there",Jasper pointed out.Daniel smiled."We're going to space?",He asked.I nodded."Yeah.And I think I know who can help us get there."

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