Twins of glass. More like twins of the base that's on fire. No? Ok

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A branch landed on Kai's head.It was a big one."Ow!",He shouted."Mother fu-" "Brother",Tai said in a warning voice."There are children present." "Are you always like this or have I never noticed?",Jasper asked."What do you mean?",Tai asked. "Well first-" "Before you go into a whole argument about cursing",Kyle began."Cussing",Marquel and I said together.He rolled his eyes."Cussing,I must first point out that we have no idea where Jaxon is." "Yeah we do",I said."Shira teleport us to Jaxon." "Idiot",Kyle and her said together."We need to restore our energy",Tai said. "Then get Amy to restore us." "We also need to prepare." "Kyle can make time go faster.We won't need to prepare if he does that." "Again",Kyle said."You're an idiot.I haven't mastered sending everyone through time.Only myself." "What's that worse that could happen?",I asked."You could all die",He replied. "Amy can bring us back." "She'll be dead." "Oh." "See this is why you're an idiot",Kyle said."Oh my God,Kyle you savage",Marquel said sarcastically."Kyle I'm hurt",I said."I can heal your pain",Amy said. "Not physically." "Oh." Chase put up his hand."I have an idea!" "And the technology boy has an idea!",I shouted smiling."Tell us what you have in mind silver hair." "Before I do",He said."Are you ok?You seem dumber than usually." What is with the insults coming my way?I smacked his head and he groaned."Ow",He whined."I am just fine",I told him. "Anyway,my plan is simple.We ask the twins of glass for help",Chase said."Good plan",Cole said."Someone teleport us to the twins of glass." "See yah nerds!",Raiden shouted as he teleported."Zygon",Caleb said."Yeah?",Zygon asked. "Remind me to kill Raiden." "Can do." Daniel turned to Shira."Teleport us woman",He said.I like him.She glared at him.Zygon also glared at him."Don't speak to her like that",He said coldly.Daniel blinked."Guys I was just kidding." "Good." Well then.Shira teleported is away.Well at least she got everyone except,Daniel,Rose,and I.Wait why were Rose and I left behind."I think she left us so one of us could teleport him back",Rose said."First:That's makes sense.Second:I can't teleport people,only objects",I said."Have you tried?",Rose asked.I shook my head."I'll teach you how." "Thank you." "Why was I left behind?",Daniel asked."Because my friend",I began."You are what Kyle calls,a fool." He sighed and Rose teleported us to the twins of glass's base.We were next to the others.They were talking to Kelso and Crystal so I walked over."Sup?",I greeted."Hello Martel",Kelso said."Kyle has told us that you request our assistance again and we accept." "Oh.Great."
Jaxon's POV
I blinked as I appeared in my base.How did I get here?Right,the elf girl.Blade and his mercenaries were also here.I walked over to Blade and thought of an idea."Blade",I said."Yes sir?",He asked. "Bring your greatest minds with me." He pointed to a few men in white lab coats and they walked over to us."I have just figured out a way for you to escape Minerva's mind control",I said."How?",Blade asked. "We build a machine that blocks her power to enter our minds." "Sounds good.You heard the man.Get to work!" The men nodded and immediately started making blueprints."Wait how did you know the girl's name?",Blade asked."I use the Master of Mind's abilities",I answered."Now come with me.We need to figure out where the ninja went." Blade smiled."One of my spies has just found them.We put a tracking device inside the ninja you captured from before.I believe they are somewhere that is unknown to us." "Are they inside of a building?",I asked.He nodded. "What's the name of it?" "Kelso and Crystal's lair of glass.It had a sign that said something like,GLASS THE PRETTIEST OF RICHES.WELCOME TO CRYSTAL AND KELSO'S LAIR OF GLASS.INTRUDERS WILL BE ANNIHILATED." "We will intrude them then",I said smiling."And they will be the ones that will be annihilated."
My point of view
We just got done talking when an explosion went off.Oh great more guys that want to attack us.We stepped out of the room and saw that fire and smoke was everywhere.Kevin put it out with help from Jasper."Who is attacking us?",Kelso asked."Probably Jaxon",I answered."Brother are you ready?",Crystal asked.Kelso smiled."Indeed sister." They both ran and we followed them.They went outside and we all stopped.Mercenaries were waiting for us.Jaxon and Blade were there as well."So that's what he looks like",Kelso said.He pulled out a megaphone.Where did he get that?"Jaxon!",He shouted."You have made an enemy of the twins of glass!" "I have made an enemy of who?",Jaxon asked."Don't answer that.Blade.You know what to do." Blade pulled out his bow and arrow,and fired arrows at us.I created a shadow shield.Sensei Wu sat down."I need time to think",He said.Kyle nodded."Then we will buy you time Sensei",He said.He put his hand up and the mercenaries,Jaxon,and Blade stopped moving."I have created a time field",Kyle said."Cool",I replied.Kelso and Crystal started creating glass warriors."If we go out of the time field will we freeze too?",Kelso asked."Actually they're not frozen",Kyle said."They're still moving.We just can't see it.But if you do step out then you'll automatically be surrounded." "We'll live",Crystal said. "Actually you won't.Jaxon doesn't need you.Well he doesn't know you're elementals so he thinks he doesn't need you." "Then let's give him a surprise",Kelso said.They ran out of the time field."They're brave",Tai said."But bravery won't save them." Sensei Wu stood up."Cameron can you still create mirror images?",He asked.Cameron nodded."Yeah." "Create one of Martel but don't give it his powers." Cameron created a clone of me.I must say I am extremely handsome.'Thats what you think',Minerva said in my head.'Please don't give me a reason to hurt you',I replied."Now send the clone out of the time field",Sensei Wu said.Cameron nodded and the clone stepped out of the time field."Kyle take down the time field and everyone else stand in front of Martel",Sensei Wu ordered.Kyle snapped his fingers as everyone stood in front of me.Everything sped up until we saw that Jaxon was capturing the clone and the twins of glass were fighting mercenaries.I hid under the others so Jaxon wouldn't see me."We now have what we need",He said."Blade get us out of here." Blade nodded and helicopters floated in front of them."Today will be your last",Jaxon said.They flew away with the clone."Now we catch him by surprise",Sensei Wu said."Good plan brother",Garmadon said."Kelso,Crystal.Are you ok?",I asked."Well I've died once before",Kelso said."I think I'm more than alright." "Time to put a stop to Jaxon's plan",Sensei Wu said.

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