Finding the Elemental Masters

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I woke up and yawned.Kyle walked into my room."Wake up children",He said",and teenager.We have made it to our destination." I stood up and summoned my ninja gi on my body.Shadow powers were really useful when you needed to get somewhere quickly.The kids stayed asleep except for Shadow,Minerva,and Ashlyn."Wale up fools!",I shouted.They all slowly got up and rubbed their eyes."We don't have all day",I said.That was actually true.We didn't have all day.I summoned shadow minions to help the kids get up since they were still tired.I left the room as they got ready."Is everyone ready?",I asked Kyle."Yes",He answered."Shira and Rose are outside with the twins of glass.Caleb's team still need to wake up a few of the younger ninja." I stepped outside and found that the sun was brighter then usual.Or maybe it was because that I was a shadow elemental that made the sun seem brighter.I only saw Rose squinting so I confirmed that it had to do with my powers."So where's the base?",I asked."A few miles ahead of us",Caleb answered."We're going to fly our dragons so no one will notice the ships." "Does everyone still remember where the space ship is?" Caleb nodded and I saw the kids come out of Shira's ship.Caleb's younger members came out of the glass ship."Alright lets go",I said.We all summoned our dragons.Kyle pulled out a remote and a jet materialized next to him."This is a gift from Jay",He said."Well a gift from Jay,Nya,and Ronin.They made it so I could fly since I don't have a dragon." Mandy jumped onto Caleb's dragon and we took to the skies.
Lloyd's POV
It feels like we've been fighting for hours.We finally defeated all of the monsters and now we were all exhausted."So you all lived",Jaxon said disappointed."Oh well.You'll die soon from your injuries." He was right.We may have defeated the monster but we sustained several injuries.Most of them were fatal without proper treatment.Jaxon left us after laughing at our suffering."Don't worry guys",Marquel began."My brother will save us.Along with everyone else." "Comforting words",Jacob said."But we don't know if they are coming or not." "He'll come.Hey why aren't you as injured as us." "I can't see",Jacob said."So I had to rely on everyone else for protection.My element allowed me to see with sound waves." "Oh",Marquel said."I thought you had some type of healing ability or something like that." I laughed at this and then winced in pain.Elementals may be able to heal faster but that didn't make these injuries any less fatal.I hope the others come soon or we would die here.
My point of view
My brother and I have this connection being twins and all.We both know when something is wrong with the other or if something is going to happen to the other.At the moment I knew something was wrong with Marquel.He was losing hope.We needed to get to him now!We landed outside of the base and Chase pointed to a building."They're in there",He said.We rushed inside and followed Chase to a room.He opened the door and I had to step out of the way as Kai came lunging toward me."Chill out dude",I said.He finally stopped trying to punch me and smiled."You made it",He said."Yeah we did",I said.I noticed that everyone had injuries."And just in time too.Amy heal them and then we can leave." Sensei Wu stepped out of the room."We can heal later",He said."We need to leave now." We left the base and sighed in relief."You did it",Lloyd said."You saved us." "And everyone doubted that he would come",Marquel said as he smiled at me."I told you all we needed was hope." "Indeed",Neuro said."Lets leave before Jaxon realizes we escaped",Turner said.I nodded and turned to Shira."Transport us to the space shuttle",I said."What about the ships?",Ruby asked."They'll return to us",Kyle said as he made his jet disappear with the press of a button.Shira began to cast the spell."I don't think I can transport all us",She said."Raiden and I can teleport everyone else",Rose said.We disappeared leaving Rose,Raiden,and some of the elemental masters.We reappeared next to the space ship and watched as the others appeared next to us."We don't have enough room for everyone to get on the space ship so Shira will have to transport the rest of you",I said."That leaves one more person.Who wants to go on the ship?" Dusty and Marquel both raised their hands."I can go with Shira",Caleb said.The rest of us got on the ship as the others disappeared with Shira.
Jaxon's POV
I went to check on my prisoners and saw that they were gone.Oh well.I can summon them again if need be.First I need to gain back my energy.Summoning them had exhausted me since there were so many elemental masters.I opened a portal to my home on earth and grabbed a few things before going back to Planet Jaxon.The elemental masters would bow down to me as soon as I have stolen the shadow boy's powers.His brother was almost as powerful as him which is wonderful.I could create whole galaxies with his powers but there was one exception.I had to have a lot of energy.The shadow boy had almost unlimited energy.Once I got him I would rule the universe!I began to create moons for my planet and put a base on each one.Thankfully the Master of Cosmic's powers allowed the user to create things that only effect what they wanted them to effect.This is the only reason earth and the moon weren't destroyed from my moons and planet.I created a minions with his powers and created more buildings.Yes the power of cosmic was powerful indeed.
My point of view
We finally made it back to earth and I sighed.I flopped down on the ground along with Cole."Nice hard earth",Cole said."How I missed you." Rose and Violet both laughed at us and we smiled.I got off of the ground and dusted the dirt off of me."That wasn't the reaction I was expecting",Borg said."Tell me about your adventure to Planet Jaxon."

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