Skylor's brother

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Unknown POV
I smiled to myself as I walked toward my next target.Defeating the other elemental masters had been simple.Learn their movements,defeat them in combat,and then steal their element.I already have eight elements.I just need more nine and I will have every one.I entered the restaurant known as Chen Noodle Shop and smiled.This was my father's restaurant.Of course now it was my sister's.I walked toward the cashier and smiled at my sister."Welcome to Chen No-what do you want?",Skylor asked."Can't I come to say hello?",I asked smiling at her.She glared at me and her hands lit on fire.She must have borrowed the Master of Fire's element before I stole it from him.Oh well.She'll need to get it back when it goes away and I'm the only one who can give it to her."Get out!Now!",Skylor shouted."You aren't powerful enough to stop me sister",I said."So please make this easier on yourself." She threw a fireball at me and I dodged.This should be fun.I used the element of speed and ran around my sister.I then stopped and turned my body into metal before kicking her.She flew out of the window.Maybe she was knocked out from the kick.I walked outside and saw that she was fine.Well except for the blood dripping from her head.She continued to shoot fireballs at me so I just remained metal.I ran through the fireballs and used the element of nature to wrap vines around her legs and arms.I quickly floated her with the element of gravity before she had time to react."Any last words before I take away your powers?",I asked."Yeah three actually.Burn in hell",She replied. "Wrong choice of words." I floated her toward me and touched her forehead with my index finger.My hand became surrounded by orange energy as I took her power.I dropped her unconscious body on the ground and smiled to myself.Nine down,eight to go.
My point of view
Kai sighed as he sat down in the living room."Cheer up Kai",Nya said."At least he didn't kill you." "He has my powers though",Kai replied."Maybe if he took them before we went to the dimension elemental something I wouldn't worry,but my powers are stronger now." "True",I said."If he takes the rest of your powers he would be unstoppable.Especially if he took mine and the rest of the dragon ninjas'." Jay teleported in front of us."Skylor's here",He stated.He then teleported again and we ran to the deck of the Bounty.Skylor was there looking at the floor.She saw us and looked up.Kai immediately ran toward her and I had to grab his shirt to stop him."Control yourself man",I said."What do you need Skylor?" She smiled at Kai and then frowned."My powers were taken from me",She said.Once she said that I noticed that she had bandages over herself.She must have had to fight someone."Who took them from you?",Kai asked.Skylor paused for a moment before answering."The person was my brother." Everyone gasped and I thought back to how Kai described him.He said he had red hair and green eyes.Both of those matched Skylor's image."I knew he looked familiar",Kai said."What's his name?" "Jaxon.He has the power of amber like me.But unlike me,when he steals elements he keeps them unless someone kills him.The elemental master wouldn't be able to get their element back no matter what they tried." "We need to keep him away from the school",Nya said."If he gets in he will be able to take all of the kids elements away from them." "We also need to tell everyone to look out for a man with red hair and green eyes",I declared."Also I'm pretty sure he doesn't know the dragon ninja,the kids in Caden's team,Rose,or Kyle actually have elements so we have to tell them to never use their powers unless it's absolutely necessary." Everyone nodded and jumped as Kyle appeared out of nowhere."I heard everything",He said."I was listening using a time zone." That is awesome.We left to tell everyone what we learned.

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