| Chapter Nineteen | x

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"Don't forget test this Wednesday on section five,  if you don't study don't bother even showing up

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"Don't forget test this Wednesday on section five,  if you don't study don't bother even showing up." Mr. Lorel sterned.

I looked back at Dylan with a grin, putting my thumbs up while he chuckled. I turned back to Mr. Lorel as he erased the board.

"Class dismissed." he declared while the students all got their things together. I picked up my bag holding my notebook turning back to Dylan who was standing from his desk.

"Ready to go?" I smiled, while he nodded throwing his bag over his shoulder. "Where to?" I asked and he grinned.

"I think I know a place."

I smiled curiously, following him out, wondering to where he was leading us.

"The definition of Prokaryotic Flagellum." I said while taking a bite of a blue berry muffin, careful not to get crumbs on our binders.

He sighed, sitting back in his seat tilting his head back in thought. "Hint?" he requested.

"Its part of the cell." I vaguely answer.

He groaned, tapping his pencil on the table. "Isn't that the tail thingy?" he questioned demonstrating the tail with his finger making me laugh.

"Can't tell." I sang teasingly with a smile while he threw his head back making a noise with his lips as he blew out of them.

He finally tilted his head to look at me, "Doesn't it like check chemical balances or some shit like that?" he guessed, an uncertain look on his face.

I looked down to the binder, reading off off the right definition to him and he made a face groaning. "Damn it." he complained.

"Well, I could of been meaner and asked you how to spell it." I smirked and he rolled his eyes.

"Ha-ha, very funny." he said stealing a piece of the top of my muffin.

Me and Dylan have been in a bakery down the street for almost three hours now studying. Dylan works here on weekends because his grandfather owns it, and he helps him out. The bakery really cute and it smells nice, reminds me of my house during the holidays at home with the baked goods everywhere. His grandfather is adorable as well, he gave us free pastry's and muffins -- and I can tell how much Dylan loves him, its quite admirable.

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