| Chapter Thirty One |

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I raked my hands through my wet hair as I exited the locker room

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I raked my hands through my wet hair as I exited the locker room. Daphne's lingering touch, her lips, her taste still evident ghosting on my body. I glanced up to see Liam in the ring, waiting for me with his own gloves on. "Took you long enough, mate!" He called leaning on the chords surrounding it with a teasing scowl.

I didn't bother with a reply, but slid my gloves on feeling one of them damp from the water droplets in the shower.

My jaw clenched at the thought of Daphne stopping what could have happened. I was so fucking close. So fucking close — and that fucking wanker screwed it all up and he's not even here. She's probably going back to him right now pretending none of this happened. Pretending I wasn't touching her, kissing her, almost gonna fuck her —and she expected me to pretend too. Fuck that.

I will play along with that whole 'don't tell Grant' bullshit for the boys sake with whatever Power Puff group Grants in, but I won't let Daphne off that easy. I'm getting real sick of getting myself off from sexual frustrations because of that red head.

I knew she wanted me, and she wanted everything I could give to her — I proved that earlier — the only thing standing in her way is Grant. Get him out of the picture and I'll be fucking Daphne into the head board in no time.

I climbed up into the ring, shirtless, since my only tank top I brought to the gym was drenched from the shower, I replaced my wet shorts with dry ones from my gym bag though my hair was still damp. "I got a bit held up." I vaguely explained, adjusting my gloves on my wrist resisting the urge to grind my teeth at my inner frustrations.

Liam merely chuckled, "Did that girl running out have something to do with it?" He mused, coyly.

My head snapped up a this response, a smirk playing on his lips as he raised an expectant eyebrow at me.

"You saw that?" I asked without even thinking and he chuckled again.

"Mate, everyone did. The girl was in her cloths dripping from head to toe practically running a marathon out of here. It was hard not to take notice."

My eyes drifted to the mats, I hadn't thought about that — about other peoples reactions to her drenched state. I was so clouded in anger that I didn't realize she probably had to go through the humiliation of running through the gym with male eyes watching her every move. I found myself feeling a little sorry about it, but quickly brushed it off.

"Right." I murmured, directing my attention to Liam and getting in a stance while he did the same.

"We'll start with a warm up to get your mind out of the gutter and into the ring." He teased, with a grin punching his own glove, giving me the signal to engage.

I firmly plummeted my fist into the palm of his glove, repeating the action with the other over and over again. He watched me, while my eyes were set in concentration at each fist colliding with his gloves. "So, how was she?"

I ignored him, continuing to punch the firm leather.

"The girl I mean, surly you got a peice of that." He chuckled, and my jaw clenched.

No I fucking didn't — thank you for reminding me dick head.

"Oh come on, that bad?" He taunted and I fought the urge to roll my eyes. "Or was it you that was bad? That why she high tailed of here like Forrest Gump?" He laughed and I punched his glove a little harder as a warning for him to shut up.

"No." Is all I said, hoping he'd leave it at that.

He raised an eyebrow, "No what? No she wasn't bad or no you weren't —"

I groaned, throwing one more rough punch before ceasing my actions throwing my arms out angrily. I glared daggers at him, "We didn't fuck!" I snapped, gathering some onlookers attention.

His mouth shaped into an 'O' with his eyebrows raised.

"She—" I paused, rubbing my gloved hand over my face sighing as I thought of bullshit excuse. "She was like that when I got there, she was—throwing up and shit and she got it all over her cloths so she went in the shower to wash it all off. She said she would of rather of been covered in water then in puke but maybe that was the fever talking, hell if I fucking know. I don't know the girl alright? I just happened to have been there at the wrong time and place. She had some kind of flu that's why she was probably running out so she wouldn't throw up in front of anyone, or on anyone, so there." I breathed after my long explanation, that wasn't even true. I gave myself props for the lie, but what can I say? I'm a pretty good liar. Always have been.

He blinked once and then twice, before letting out a loud laugh. "Are you serious?" I rolled my eyes as he continued to laugh. "And here I thought the legendary Niall Horan fucked a girl on his first day. I over estimated you." He teased which earned him a glare.

It frustrated me that he wasn't wrong — that I almost did fuck someone on my first day — more importantly it being Grant Terino's girlfriend, and he thinks that it's hilarious. That instead of fucking someone I was watching someone vomit. If it were me in his situation, I'd laugh in my face too.

I don't even fucking know why I lied, I could have just said she had a boyfriend and chickened out before I boned her but some crazy part of me didn't want him to know anything. If he saw her face and she showed up next time he would only think about me and her getting steamy in the shower, and I didn't want him or really any other person thinking about Daphne wet for reasons other then "puking" she's not a whore, and she's not categorized as Easy. Only person she would ever make out with while being with that asshole is me, and it's gonna stay that way.

"If you don't stop laughing my fist is going to shatter your teeth, and then you'll learn what your last name stands for." I warned, somewhat joking. Somewhat.

His laugh turned into a grin while his brown eyes crinkled at the corners like always. "Like to see you try. Ready for that ass whooping, Horan?" He got into a stance and I huffed getting into mine.

"I don't have to try to kick you or anyone's ass." I retorted, before letting a small smirk crawl to my lips, hearing his chuckle before the first swing was made.

And I think I proved my point by the time we were done, let's just say I got a lot of my frustrations out from Daphne and the thought of Terino touching my girl.

{EDITED: 3/14/18}

A/n: sorry I know it's short, I just wanted to update something bc I hit 10k!! Thank you so much! Hello new viewers, and followers! I hope you all enjoy the rest of this story - I'm gonna do my best to update but it's just finding the time and getting in my zone to make each chapter. Thank you all again, I will write more soon, ill give you a warning that Daphne's part won't be that nice :( it's gonna be sad and you're all going to probably be very angry with a certain someone. Comment and vote if you please, I love feedback! Xx

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