| Chapter Twenty Three | x

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I felt my heart plummet, and my palms starting to sweat

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I felt my heart plummet, and my palms starting to sweat. My head starting spinning that I swear I almost lost balance.

My eyes stared at the figure to be sure it was him and not my eyes playing tricks on me, unfortunately, my brain didn't deceive me.

It was Niall.

He was leaning against my car, smirking with his arms crossed wearing a black leather jacket which outlined his toned arms. His hair was quiffed up again, a little messier this time. The blonde streaks were lighter in the afternoon sun light. I could clearly see his face, in the brighter atmosphere. There was a deep bruise on his temple, and a healing cut resting below his eye. I'm sure under his clothing were more injuries from the fight, but overall he appeared in a lot better shape than Grant.

He grinned as our eyes locked and I felt like falling over, hoping to hit my head and somehow wake up to see that he was gone and this was some sort of bad dream.

How did he know where I went to school? How did he know that was my car? What the hell was he doing here? The questions floating around my mind only raised my anxiety because I knew the probable answers to them. I just didn't want to think about it.

I told myself to be brave, and walk over there to my car with my chin held high and tell him to leave me alone then drive off as fast as I can even if it means running him over in the process.

I took a deep breath taking the next slow and painful steps toward him. He just had to be on my car door didn't he?

When I was I was a safe distance in front of him, I felt his eyes traveling all over my body making me want to vomit my guts out from my anxiousness. My fingers were shaking and my throat was tightening more and more the longer I was around him.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded coldly, his eyes slowly moved up to my face.

His smirk widened, "Is that any way to treat me, Daphne? Where's my hello?" He leaned off the front door of my car to take a step toward me, but I quickly took one back. Giving him the message I didn't want to be near him.

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