Chapter 25

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Tears, they fall down my cheek as I crawl over towards my best friend, holding her body tightly against mine, shot by an arrow, stabbed by a dagger, penetrated by a sword. I  cry, screaming for her to wake up, begging her. She couldn't be dead, not after what we had been through. She couldn't leave this world, she had a future ahead of her. I can still remember the look she gave me before she fell to the floor, as she gave me a weak smile, whispering for me to take care of Robb. For Asha to take care of Jon. For me to live my life happily ever after with my husband Eric. As she finally said, "Thank you," I couldn't stand it, her leaving the world.

She was so peaceful, so kind yet she out of all of us lay here dead. A tear had left her cheek, Asha sitting at a tree, her face in her hands as she shakes her head. She screamed, grabbing the dagger that lay next to her and threw it, frustrated with the situation. She looked at me, "she saved me, I should be laying there not her," her eyes watering. "There was nothing you could do, Asha" they looked at each other, knowing that, that was the truth. Even if it had happened to Asha they would've gone after Lara anyways. Asha stared at her body, not being able to handle it she broke down.

I sat there my heart slowly breaking into pieces, my world was crumbling right before my very own eyes. Then the dread hit me, Robb. He was clueless about this, he would be destroyed finding out his wife had been killed. The gods had been cruel, they took away the kindest most generous person the whole world had. Just like that they ripped her away from me, Asha, Robb, Eric and Jon.

I looked down at my hands, they were covered in her blood. I looked up at Asha, she was still crying. I felt numb.

Lara, my heart breaks every time I hear that name. She was strong, stronger than me so why should I be alive?

Anger had now taken over my body, this was not fair, I looked down at her body again, her hair was spread out, her lips a light shade of purple as her skin was paler, she looked so peaceful.

The blood covering her mouth had stopped dripping down on the ground. My anger was gone in a instant after I had looked down at her.

Me and Asha sat there, hours must've gone by and soon enough I heard horses. It was Robb.
My heart broke even more, he had come to save her. But instead he will see his wife laying on the ground dead, murdered, slaughtered. As if the gods couldn't spare us even more pain, this felt like a kick to the stomach.

He soon found us, the happiness in his eyes disappeared, he saw the body that lay on the ground, he got of his horse and slowly made his way to it, when he saw who the body belonged to he rushed over holding it tightly against his chest.

I had never seen him cry, and it was just heart breaking to watch, he held her begging her to come back, exactly what I did before. Though he never let go as he sobbed, he started to mumble to the body, I could only hear a tiny bit of what he was saying, "I can't live without you, my dearest wife, why you? Why not me?"

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