Learning to Love (A Louis Tomlinson / One Direction Fanfic)

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Enjoy. I know I did writing it.

Chapter 1. The Accident

Silver was an ordinary girl, she had just finished high school and was about to start on her university education. What you need to understand about her is that although she buys the same magazines as you and me she will always be special.

Silver started the heralded Roman High as all the other high achievers in her age group. I mean, it's not hard to gain recognition for being truly gifted and talented in your age group !!!!!! Silver was well aware of her academic abilities, she had always found it easy to grasp things and well lets just say it; the girl was well on her way to winning a noble prize for science or maths (or even both as she excelled in both).

But what the brainiacs of the academic world did not know was that Silver was totally besotted with popular music. Music was Silver's world, study came easy, but all she ever wanted to do was put on her I Pod or radio and sing along to the current chart sensations. She had quite an eclectic taste for a girl of eighteen; she listened to Mozart when studying English, Pink when Maths needed to be done and the latest chart toppers for almost everything else.

Her latest musical interest was a boy band that had come through the x factor machine and was doing really well for themselves; in fact they had just won a Brit nomination for best single of the year. She liked their music and found it a good choice as she prepared for the exciting adventure that lay before her at university. I mean, studying for a combined honours degree in quantum physics was going to be no mean task.

What Silver did not know was her world was about to turn upside down when a certain boy band came crashing (and I do mean literally crashing into her life) on a sunny day in August.

Silver lay on her bed staring up at the ceiling of her bedroom, she wondered what her room would like in Oxford when she moved in to her dormitory in three weeks time. She had seen the example room she had been shown on the guided tour but she was fairly sure not all the rooms looked like that. Well, whatever it was like she was sure she would make the most of it.

She loved her parents so much but she now understood that actually not all of the choices they had made for her were always the right ones. She loved to study and soaked up new knowledge like a sponge, but restricting her social activities had not helped her become comfortable in situations where experience and confidence was key to survival.

Silver jumped up and picked up her study bag, a day of cramming in the library would clear her head and allow her to forget her social worries and get a good head start on the massive amount of work she was going to undertake at university.

She walked along the familiar street she had lived in all her life and plugged in her I Pod. She watched as a group of teenagers passed her in a car with music blaring out loudly. They all looked to be having so much fun and she saddened a little that she did not really have any friends to enjoy similar moments with.

Silver turned from her quiet street onto the main road into the city of Lancaster in Lancashire. It was a busy road but Silver had walked it many times. She noticed a small little girl playing in her front garden at the other side of the street with a pink sparkly ball. She was throwing and catching the ball with great enthusiasm. Silver carried on but then noticed as the little girl misjudged her throw and the ball came hurtling into the middle of the road.

The next moments happened in a flash, the little girl managed to open the front gate and come running out onto the street for her ball. A black minivan was gaining speed from a distance on the road and the little girl ran straight into the road to retrieve her ball. Without thinking Silver ran across the road and pushed the little girl onto the grass verge. Unfortunately, the van driver did not have enough time to react and hit Silver full on and sent her flying across the street with enormous force.

Silver landed twenty meters away from the van that had managed to come to a complete stop after hitting her. The last thing Silver remembered was hitting the hard surface of the road and not only hearing the thud but feeling the immense pain in her legs as they crushed underneath her body in the awkward position she landed in.

Louis's Silver Charm [Finished] (One Direction / Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now