2. The Hospital

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Silver was vaguely aware of chattering and noises around her. She had the most intense pain in her legs and couldn't understand why; she also had an intense thirst and could not swallow. Something was restricting her breathing and she didn't like it one bit.

She could hear voices and beeping, were they talking about her? "She is coming round, go and get Dr Spencer". Silver slowly opened her eyes but it was really hard to understand what was happening. "Hey sweetie, keep going you can do it" a strange female voice was urging her. Slowly, Silvers eyes opened and she starred into a pretty middle aged females face smiling down at her.

Silver tried to talk to her but the woman stopped her immediately "Don't talk Silver you have a tube in your mouth to help you breath, blink your eyes if you understand me" she said. Silver blinked her eyes slowly as a million thoughts went through her head. "Great, the doctor will be here soon and we can see about getting that tube out of you, OK." The only thing she could do was blink and this encouraged a wide grin from the lady.

After about half an hour of hustle, bustle and vomiting (when the doctor pulled the tube out of her throat) Silver was carefully having ice chips placed in her mouth by Cynthia, the nurse she had woke up looking at. She had been given a brief explanation about how she had ended up in the hospital and told the news that her legs were in a pretty bad way.


Silver woke the next morning contemplating her options, her mum and dad had been with her the day before an hour after she woke up and explained the whole thing. She had pushed Jocey (the little girl) out of the way of the oncoming minivan but the driver had not been able to stop in time and had hit her. She had been in a coma for three weeks and today, the day after she woke up, was the day she was supposed to start Oxford. This was obviously not happening as she was lying in a hospital bed with severely damaged legs that were pinned together in over thirty places.

Silver was dragged out of her thoughts by Cynthia entering the room. "You have some visitors if you feel up to it." She enquired. "Who is it?" Silver croakily asked, her voice was not back to normal yet after having the tube removed yesterday. "Let me prop you up and you can see for yourself, I think you may be a little surprised" Cynthia responded.

She helped her prop herself up in the bed and moved her long hair behind her ears, she gave her a big smile before opening the door. "Come on in boys" Cynthia stated as she opened the door to the room. Silver watched as five young men slowly entered the room. All of them were carrying something in with them including flowers, balloons, a fruit basket, the biggest teddy bear Silver had ever seen before and a small gift box. She looked at all of them one by one as they were all stood at the foot of her bed starring at her. She looked at Cynthia who was still standing by the door with a quizzical look "Why are One Direction here" she asked. "I'll let them explain it to you sweetie" she responded as she exited.

Liam was the first to move as he came round to the side of her bed carrying an exquisite bouquet of flowers in different shades of pinks and white "Hi, I'm Liam, these are for you" he said as he laid the flowers on Silvers lap. He moved away for Niall to move closer to the bed "Hi Silver, I'm Niall. I hope you like fruit. I really am very sorry for what happened to you" he stated as he made room for Zayn to stand next to Silver.

"Hi babe, I'm Zayn" he said as he placed a huge balloon display on the floor next to her. Harry could not get next to Silver on the one side due to the balloon display Zayn had just deposited so he went round to the other side of the bed. "Hi beautiful" Silver turned "I'm Harry, and this fellow here is Bernard" he said gesturing to the huge teddy bear he had just plonked down on the end of her bed. "I hope you can find a good home for him". Finally, Louis approached Silver and gently placed a gift wrapped box in her lap. "Hi, I'm Louis, I really hope you can forgive us" he said. "For what" Silver responded. "For hitting you with the van and causing you all these injuries" he replied.

Silver was quiet for a moment and then looked at the five members of the boy band. "You hit me" she asked. "Well, we weren't driving the van but we were in it when it hit you" Louis responded. "It was awful, I saw you run out to push that little girl and the next minute you were flying through the air" Harry added. "We followed you to the hospital and stayed until you came out of the operating theatre" Zayn offered. "But you slipped into a coma" Niall chipped in, "but one of us has been here with you every day since then, just waiting for you to come out of it" Liam finished.

"Why" asked Silver, really confused now, "It wasn't your fault" she finished.

They all looked at each other and smiled. "Your mum said you would understand but we didn't really believe her" Harry said. "You know my mum?" Silver asked. "Of course we do, one of us has been here every day with you; and so has your mum and dad, so all of us have got to know Graham and Fiona really well" Harry finished. Silver looked at the boys one by one but could not stop a tear from escaping her eye. Niall moved to the side of her bed, "please don't cry babe, I hate it when girls cry, it makes me so sad" he said as he wiped away the escaped tear from her face. "I'm sorry but this is quite a lot to take in" she whispered back to Niall.

After that the boys thought it best to leave but they all insisted on giving Silver a kiss on the cheek before they went. This made Silver feel really uncomfortable but she wasn't exactly mobile so there wasn't a lot she could do about it. Before they departed Louis told her they would see her tomorrow and tapped the top of the gift box still lying in her lap.

After they left Silvers eyes went to the small gift wrapped box, just as Cynthia came back in the room. She had the biggest grin on her face, "so sweetie, I know you're in a lot of pain but those five fine specimens of man candy can't be a bad thing to aid the healing process" she spoke before busying herself with arranging the flowers and fruit.

Silver held the box in her hand and slowly began to remove the silver paper that it was wrapped in. She pulled open the lid of the box to reveal a new mobile phone and a silver bracelet. Glistening from the charm bracelet was one silver charm of a clock. Inside the lid of the box was a card which Silver eagerly read.

Dear Silver,

As your phone got smashed in the accident we thought this would come in useful. We have programmed our numbers into it so if you ever need us we will only be a phone call away. The bracelet is for you and contains one charm, our heart that belongs to you, you are our hero for saving that little girls life and we will do everything we can to make sure we help you on the road to recovery. Your biggest fans,

Love always

Liam, Louis, Harry, Niall & Zayn x

Louis's Silver Charm [Finished] (One Direction / Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now