Concert Day (Part 2)

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Following breakfast, the morning was quite relaxed, Niall and Zayn had cleaned up the kitchen and then everyone chilled for a couple of hours. Silver packed up her new outfit that she was going to wear for the concert carefully and added her toiletries to her bag. It hadn't been easy getting the boys and H to allow her to go shopping and they had all wanted to go with her but Silver was stubborn and had finally got her own way. Well actually they had told her and Danielle how it was going to be.

Following her meltdown on Louis she had woken determined she would not be fazed by the situation and was not going to let this creep get the better of her. So, she had asked Liam if she could ring Danielle from his phone (as hers had been confiscated by H). Liam had listened to the conversation and was not happy that the girls had made a shopping date. He wouldn't normally interfere in girly plans but considering the current situation he felt compelled to go and discuss this with Louis and the rest of the lads.

Danielle arrived and was excited about spending some time with Silver but this was cut short by all five of One Direction blocking the exit to the apartment. The girls looked towards the door and stood defiantly at them determined to leave for some girl time. It was Louis who spoke first "You can't go out without us, it's not safe" he spoke forcefully. Silver looked into Louis's eyes and could see the he really meant what he said "Louis, I know all of you are concerned but I am not having this creep scare me into hiding. You of all people know I have never really had girlfriends to socialise with and I am going out with Danielle" she responded just as firmly. Danielle clearly agreed with Silver and changed her stance to stand directly next to Silver in a show of solidarity. Liam looked anguished by Danielle's support for Silvers wishes and was torn by what to do. What surprised everyone was the way Niall addressed both of the girls and everyone looked shocked at this uncommon outburst. "Well I don't care what you two want to do, the fact is you're not going out and if the lads and I have to lock you in one of the rooms all day then we will. You are not being fair to us; we would go out of our minds with worry for both of you, so if we're not going, then neither are you. End of".

Danielle and Silver looked at each other and knew they were defeated so both of them slumped onto the sofa in the living room. The boys stood by the door for a few minutes but as the girls never made an effort to move started to relax. They slowly made their way back into the living room and began to de stress. Louis tried to cuddle up next to Silver but she was sulking with him so resisted his touch and scowled at him instead, Louis laughed and tousled her hair. Niall went into the kitchen in search of food, Zayn and Harry loaded up the x box for a game of Fifa and Liam sheepishly sat next to Danielle who took the same stance as Silver and sulked with him.

The group relaxed but nothing really changed for the next ten minutes; finally Silver stood up and walked into the kitchen. The boys returned to watching the game Harry and Zayn were playing. However, the next set of events happened in a flash, Danielle accidently nudged into Liam who spilt his apple juice all over his trousers which made him jump around in discomfort. This then made Louis and Niall burst out laughing and Harry and Zayn stop playing. In the next instance Danielle jumped over the sofa and made a run for the door, the boys took a while to react as they realised that Silver was already out of the door followed closely by Danielle. Before Louis could scream "Jail Break" Danielle had slammed the door shut and was running towards the elevator that Silver had just managed to enter.

The boys scrambled for the door but landed in a heap in a rush to get to it quickly and opened, they finally exited into the corridor after Zayn managed to work the lock. They sprinted towards the lift as the doors began to close, Harry could see Danielle frantically pushing the close door button and put on an extra sprint to reach the elevator before the doors closed. He pushed his hand inside to pry the doors back open but Silver and Danielle both pushed his hand out together so they finally closed. They looked at each other and laughed as the lift began to descend into the parking level.

Louis's Silver Charm [Finished] (One Direction / Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now