First Kiss

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Silver arrived back at the complex alone in a whirl of uncertainty, I mean she wasn't sure what had happened to her at the nightclub but she knew that the situation she found herself in was not good. She wasn't really sure why but it had totally freaked her out. She knew that this type of experience was new to her but was fuzzy as to why she was unable to deal with it in her usual logical way.

As Silver was changing out of the expensive outfit and putting her comfy sweats on she replayed the events in her mind.


They had gone to a new club that had just opened in the heart of the city and were greeted by quite a few paparazzi as the exited the car. The boys and Danielle had been very protective over Silver and had surged round her as she slowly made her way to the front door. Once inside the management had gushed over the boys attending the club and had set them up in a private area at the back where they were near the bar and dance floor but also could have some privacy if they wanted.

They had provided table service for them and the drinks started to flow. Silver refused to drink alcohol for two reasons. One, she was taking strong medication for her legs to ensure that her body did not reject the implants in her leg and two, she had never really drunk before and was not sure how she may react. They were all sat around a large oval booth and Silver was sandwiched between Louis and Niall. Harry at this point was trying to show off his pulling talents by flirting with the drinks waitress. What he didn't see was Niall and Zayn pulling silly faces at him and making everyone else laugh.

Danielle observed Louis lean over and whisper in Silvers ear, she wasn't sure what he had said to her but it had made Silver blush and avert her eyes towards the ground. Danielle smiled at Silver when she glanced up and gave her an encouraging look that made Danielle feel better. As the evening went on Silver took all the antics in around her, the more the boys drank the funnier they became. She watched Liam and Danielle hit the dance floor together and was impressed how good they were. Danielle was a really good dancer but Liam could match her move for move, what was funnier was when Harry and Louis got on the dance floor together behind them and started copying them, this really made Silver laugh. When Danielle caught what they were doing she playfully hit them and came and sat back down next to Silver.

She took a long drink then leaned into Silver "What did Louis say that made you blush so much" she enquired Silver looked at Danielle and replied "He told me he really was looking forward to a slow dance with me". This made Danielle smile and give Silver a 'I told you so look'. The night went on and Silver was really having a good time watching everyone and enjoying this new freedom. It was later on when the music changed and a slow tempo number came on, Silver gulped as Louis came towards her and put both his hands out "Please may I have this dance" he asked. Silver looked up at him and gingerly placed her hands in Louis's as he pulled her out of the seat and slowly guided her towards the dance floor.

He took Silver's left hand and placed it on his shoulder; he then grasped her right hand in his left hand and put his left hand on the small of her back, just above the material of the dress so he was touching exposed skin. Silver looked towards the floor as Louis carefully swayed their bodies to the beat of the music.

Silver knew she was blushing but what was worse was the way her heartbeat had quickened as he held onto her. Her skin was on fire where his hand was resting on her back, she was totally confused about the emotions running through her body was very reluctant to look up into his face. She stole a quick glance at him and was completely mesmerised by the way he was looking at her. She wanted to look away from his face but was drawn into his eyes and the intensity he was starring at her with. In her mind the whole club had disappeared and she was only vaguely aware of the music playing in the background.

Louis's Silver Charm [Finished] (One Direction / Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя