The Rescue

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Louis and Zayn had no idea what was happening as they were urged back into the police vans. The vehicles sped through the streets of London until they reached what looked like an army barracks; they sped through the entrance with immediate entry and drove towards an open car park looking area. As they exited they were immediately ushered towards a military helicopter and inside the unusual transportation. They took the seats that were indicated to them by Stephen who moved towards the cockpit. Zayn looked around the helicopter at the men that were already sat in seats, he decided he wouldn't want to meet any of these dangerous looking individuals in a dark alley anytime soon, they oozed intimidation.

H came and sat next to Louis and Zayn to explain what was happening "The van was filmed at Stafford services heading north on the M6. We know it continued north and are just trying to establish where it may have come off the motorway further north; we think it was near the lake district somewhere. So we have a general direction, we hope to have more information before we get there in about a 90 minutes. These guys are Stephen's armed response team for when we have a definite location" H finished as he stood up and went towards Stephen who was motioning him over.

Louis and Zayn watched as H moved towards the front of the helicopter and looked at each other. They did not speak but both of them knew they could actually be in with a chance of finding her.


Silver sat in a daze as Christian prepared two cheese sandwiches in the small rundown kitchenette and obtained two cans of soda from the fridge. He placed them on the decaying wooden table in front of Silver and moved to stand behind her. It was the feel of him untying the wrist restraints that brought her from the trance she had entered after she was told she was going to die. He rebound one wrist tightly down to the arm of the chair but left her right arm free. She looked up towards his towering frame confused "So you can eat" he said "or do you want me to feed you?" he continued with a smirk.

Silver looked towards the table and picked up the soda in front of her. She didn't want to eat, she knew the minute food hit her stomach she would throw it back up. But she was thirsty and took several gulps out of the can. Christian came and sat opposite her and again watched her intently, Silver finally plucked up the courage to ask him the question that she desperately needed answering "Christian, why did you choose me" she quietly spoke. He considered her question before responding "Because we were meant to be together" he replied "But you never knew I existed until the day you drove me to London" she responded.

Christian smiled at her and went back in his mind to those six long hours he had spent with her in the car "You were so nice to me that day and talked to me, I knew we had a special connection." Silver tried really hard to think back to that one incident just over three months ago, she was pretty sure she had said no more than a few brief words and she realised it was this limited interaction that had caused her to be in the predicament she was now in.


Stephen listened to what was being said over his radio head set and gave instructions to the pilot of a new heading. As he disconnected the transmission he looked towards H. We've had a hit on the Legal Drug and substance database; someone went into a pharmacy just under an hour ago in the village of Lowesmere and enquired about obtaining some. H smiled at Stephen in disbelief; if this paid off he would kiss Harry for thinking of it and he was damn sure Louis would too.


Silver was unceremoniously ushered towards the small bathroom and was given five minutes to do what she needed to do. She did need to use the facilities and was slightly grateful that he did not leave the door open whilst she used them. She managed to splash some cold water on her face but did not use the dirty towel to dry her face. He opened the door and pulled her out of the bathroom, he moved her towards the chair in the living room but Silver speaking made him stop and look at her "Please could I lie down on the bed, I really don't feel very well. I think it is the effects of the drug." She stated. Christian considered her request and changed direction and moved her towards the bedroom, he waited till she had lay down on the bed before he closed the door and secured the lock in place.

Louis's Silver Charm [Finished] (One Direction / Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz