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Harry tried to distract himself in the kitchen, his mind was all over the place and he could not concentrate on anything. He had sat with Liam and Niall and they were constantly going over things to try and remember the smallest detail that could help. He had made coffee for the two police officers that had been left behind by Stephen but there was only so much caffeine a person could digest. He decided to try and make some food that would tempt everyone's appetite and was mindlessly obtaining ingredients out of the cupboards. He could not help let his thoughts drift towards Louis though, he had really wanted to be the one to go with him; but knew that if Louis got upset he wouldn't be able to stop himself getting upset with him. It was even Harry who had suggested Zayn went along; not that Zayn wouldn't be cut up about seeing Louis upset; he just wouldn't show it in the same way as Harry and would handle the situation better.

He opened up a cupboard above his head and reached in for some vanilla extract, as he removed the bottle a box containing medication fell out onto the work surface. He was just about to put it back in the cupboard when he took a better glance at the box; it was Silver's medication that had been placed there for safe keeping. He closed the cupboard door but kept hold of the box, he walked towards the living room to find his two band mates. As he entered the area Liam looked up at him as Harry was gazing intently at the box in his hand "Harry, what's the matter mate" Liam asked with concern. It took a few seconds for Harry to look up slowly and reply "I just found these in the cupboard, its Silvers medication for her legs" he responded. "Don't worry Harry; she'll be back before she needs to take another one. I'm sure she only had one the other day." Liam replied.

Harry continued to stare at the box in his hand as he took a seat next to Niall on the sofa. "Come on mate, I'll put them back for you. They cost a fortune you know, we would need another number one selling album to replace them" Niall joked trying to lighten the mood. It was in that instance that Harry knew there was a slim chance he was onto something. He looked at Niall and then towards Liam before calling the police officers over to explain the thoughts he was having. As he carefully detailed the importance of the medication to the officers and the extreme rarity of it Niall and Liams faces changed, they knew he potentially had hit on something and were encouraged when one of the officers started to dial Stephen's number.


Louis let his head rest back in the seat, in any other circumstances driving through the streets of London on a blue light would have been exciting, but not today, not whilst he didn't have Silver with him. They were heading to Scotland Yard in the heart of the city and Zayn was sat next to him being as calm and as solid as he always was. Louis thought about Millie, the girl from the shop who had helped them. He didn't really have chance to thank her properly but he promised himself if her help got him Silver back, he would go back and make sure he did. Zayn nudged him out of his thoughts and motioned to the front of the van to where Stephen was talking rapidly into his mobile. Louis could grasp only a few words that were making any sense but all he needed was medication, Silver, rare and trace to understand what was being said.

They were rapidly moved through the building to a large control room and outer office, H told Zayn and Louis to sit and they obeyed immediately. They sat quietly observing the chaotic goings on, instructions were being radioed and phone calls were taking place simultaneously. H sat next to Louis and patted him reassuringly on the shoulder. "Who was Stephen talking to about Silver's medication" Zayn asked H "It was one of the officers in your apartment with the lads, turns out Harry had a thought, I suppose it is a long shot but anything is worth following up at this stage" he replied back. Zayn nodded and turned his attention back to the activity going on in the room.

Louis took his mobile phone from his pocket and dialled the apartment; it had not rung twice before Harry answered. "Hey bud, good call on the medication, thanks" he spoke into his I phone "No probs, any news" he responded. "Nothing yet but we will let you know" he said. "Ok.........................Louis, she is going to be OK, I can feel it" he quietly offered. "Thanks Haz" he said as he disconnected the call.

Just as Louis was replacing his phone into his pocket all hell broke loose "Sir we have a hit on the license plate, M6 heading north" a uniformed officer shouted from behind a bank of monitors "Let's move" Stephen shouted as officers began collecting equipment and exiting up the stairs.


Silver slowly paced around her small prison, time seemed to be ticking away and she had nowhere to go. She could hear very few noises coming from the exterior of the property and had absolutely no idea where in the country she was, although she presumed she was still in England. She had feebly attempted to open the door to the bedroom but was not surprised at all to find it locked tight, the only window in the room was boarded up securely and was not moving anytime soon. Apart from the bed and a hard wooden chair the room contained very little, unless you counted the small mirror hanging on the wall. Silver walked over to it and looked at herself, her hair was slightly tangled but still had a shine to it so she reckoned no more than 24 hours had gone by since it had last been washed. That meant it was probably the morning of February 2nd, she looked again at herself and watched as a tear slowly rolled down her cheek. In two days time she would turn nineteen and prayed that she would not be spending it in this torturous hell.

She quickly swiped the tear away as she heard a vehicles door slam; she walked over to the chair and sat on it. It was hard and uncomfortable but she desperately tried to relax and look at ease for when her kidnapper entered. It was several minutes before she heard the door to the bedroom being unlocked and Christian enter the small space. She knew instantly he looked angry and sank back into the seat as he approached her quickly and roughly grabbed her arm. He pulled her out of the seat and dragged her into the outer living room; he pushed her into another seat and reached for some ropes. Silver could not stop the tears as he bound her wrists behind her and secured her body into the basic piece of furniture in the sparse room. She wanted to speak but her throat had become restricted from the fear he had created with his outburst. He finished securing her bindings and stood over her, the next thing Silver knew his fist connected with her jaw and her head was forced back with the blow that had just landed on her face.

She scrunched her eyes tightly together and waited for the next punch and was surprised when it never came. She could taste her own blood in her mouth and as she slowly opened her eyes moved her tongue to lick the blood now pouring from her lip. What surprised Silver was when she looked towards Christian he was sat in the matching chair to hers with his head bent forwards in his hand. Silver did not speak but watched as he slowly composed himself and lifted his head up to look at her. She registered the moment when he noticed the blood coming from her lip, he stood up and went to the kitchen area of the dark room. He removed what looked like a first aid kit and returned to his original seat.

Silver watched as he removed some gauze and antiseptic lotion and marry the two together. He moved his hand up and began to gently dab at Silver's lip, she winced from his touch but realised he thought it was from the pain he had caused her and not from the fact his touch made her want to scream. "I'm sorry Silver; I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm just angry at myself for not realising you would need the medication" he said. Silver processed what he was saying and chose her words very carefully "Could you not get it" she enquired.

Christian looked at her with an extreme amount of sorrow in his eyes and replied "No". Before Silver could question further he spoke again "That does not matter though, as soon as the effects start to become unbearable I will end it for you. We will die together and move on to a more serene place where medicines and walking have no purpose" he firmly stated. Silver found it difficult to process what she was hearing "You're going to kill me?" she asked as the tears started to run down her face again. He moved closer to her and placed both hands around her face "Shhhhhhh Silver do not be scared, you will not feel a thing. I will make sure you are asleep fully before I do it" he reassured her.

Louis's Silver Charm [Finished] (One Direction / Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now