6. Surprise

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The day had finally come for Silver to leave the clinic and she was full of anticipation and elation, particularly about getting to see the boys again. She had missed them terribly and although she had spoke or messaged one of them at least once a day the last three months had been long.

She had become real close to the staff at the clinic especially two of the nurses who had cared for her during her stay. They used to bring her magazines in and sit and talk to her about the boys, one of them, Judy had a teenage daughter who had a massive Harry crush and Silver had promised her that she would try to get an autograph for her.

She looked at her bags that had been packed and waited for her driver to arrive. Liam had phoned her to say that they couldn't be there to pick her up so to go ahead and let herself into the apartment and they would be home by 5pm. Silver was a little bit disappointed that they were not coming to meet her but understood they had a very busy schedule. She was pulled from her thoughts as Judy and Clara (the other nurse) entered the room and asked her if she was ready to. Silver smiled and carefully eased herself up from the bed and took the crutches that were being held out for her.

Both nurses smiled at her and hugged her as she walked slowly out of the room that had been her home for the last three months and out to the waiting car. Derek, the driver of the car lifted her luggage into the boot and opened the back door for her. Silver gave her thanks to all the staff who had come to wave her off. Judy handed her a small appointment card before the door was closed. "Don't forget we will se you soon for your check ups" she said. Silver took the card and smiled at her. The car pulled away and Silver looked at her appointments, she had to return to the clinic every fortnight for the next six months for follow up procedures and physiotherapy.

Derek handed her the crutches that she was still using, although technically she could walk, she just felt more secure with them and she made her way up to the apartment. She took the key out of her pocket to let herself in to the empty abode and wait for her roomies to arrive home from work. As she walked in there was an almighty uproar and lots of voices screamed at once 'Surprise'. Silver was so shocked she nearly lost her balance as she looked round at all the smiling faces.

All the boys were there beaming at her, her parents were there and quite a few people who she did not recognise all stood there smiling at her. It was Louis that made the first move towards her "Welcome home beautiful" he said as he leant down and kissed her cheek, Silver looked at him and although she was blushing smiled at him. The other four lads came bounding over and all kissed and hugged her and she laughed as Harry completely picked her up and swung her round in his arms sending her crutches flying.

Her reunion with her parents was quite emotional and everyone gave them space to talk until Niall got impatient and asked if he could introduce her to everyone. Silver took it all in her stride as she was met, kissed, hugged and talked to by many of the friends and family of the boys. She was handed plates of food and cups of soft drink and even had to blow out candles on a welcome home cake. She was overwhelmed by all the attention and well wishes she was getting off these complete strangers.

After about four hours the party finished and she said her farewells to her parents and lots of other people she had met until just the six roomies remained. They sat around on the leather sofas just talking. Silver wasn't sure how to approach the subject with them but it had been nagging at her since she left the clinic "I have another six months of appointments at the clinic" she stated rather than asked. "Yeah, we know babe. You don't have to worry, all the expenses have been covered" replied Zayn.

She looked at him confused "Oh, that's brilliant and I am really very grateful but that wasn't what I meant" she countered. Louis moved closer to Silver and placed his hand over hers "Your staying here with us while you have these appointments, we want you here and none of us want to another word about it mentioned" he offered. Silver looked into all their faces as they nodded in synchronisation.

Louis's Silver Charm [Finished] (One Direction / Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now