3. Going Home

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Silver spent the next three weeks in hospital but was never alone. There was always someone with her and that usually meant one of the boys from One Direction. She got the impression that her parents were quite grateful for the attention they were paying her as this allowed them to get on with their important jobs. Mum was a university lecturer in pure science and Dad conducted research into astronomy for the same university. They were both eminent professors in their fields of expertise and were in great demand at the university.

Silver knew her parents were concerned about her and came to the hospital every day and they were always there for her doctor's appointments when her case for rehabilitation was being discussed; but it was the boys who kept her company most of the time. It was usually only one of them present at any one time but this gave Silver the opportunity to get to know them individually. The day was always different depending who visited, the strange thing was she had got accustomed to one of them turning up in the morning and got sad if they arrived later than usual.

She had got to know them on a personal level and enjoyed each of the company they offered for different reasons. Liam was clearly the most mature out of the bunch. He always started his visits by asking her what the prognosis was for her injuries and studying her medical chart for any hint of positive feedback. Once she had been grilled about that he would settle down and talk about all sorts of random things or watch dvds, he especially liked Disney movies and Silver watched many of them with him.

Niall was a different story, the first time he visited he scrutinised her food card to see what was on the menu for the day. He wasn't very impressed with the choices available so on his subsequent visits always carried with him supplies for the day. Silver enjoyed his visits as he always brought delicious food with him and the hospital varieties ended up in the bin. He also liked to bring his guitar and he would sing or just play some random tune he had swimming around in his head.

With Zayn came the intellectual discussions, he was really interested in her studies and was happy to read about the latest discoveries or help with testing her on math problems. He was venturing on being a geek until he pulled out the x box and showed her how to play the latest Fifa game. Silver was becoming quite good at it and even whipped his ass a couple of times although she suspected he let her win.

Next came Harry and his visits were always interesting, she never knew what she was going to get. Sometimes he would be very intense and long periods of silence would happen and other times he would be completely insane and drive her nuts with his constant talking and randomness. He was a complete hit with the nursing staff and Silver often found her room overcrowded with hospital employees.

Lastly however, came Louis. Silver enjoyed his visits the most. He was really hard to figure out but she knew one thing, he made her laugh. On his first visit he had decided that she needed a tour of the hospital so had acquired a wheelchair from somewhere and had pushed her round the entire hospital looking for trouble. He had finally come across the children's ward and they spent a long afternoon talking to the kids, taking pictures and generally making a nuisance of themselves. Not that the children did not appreciate it and even the nursing staff could not be mad when they saw the reactions in the children.

The day had come for her to go home but before she was released from the hospital she had to see the specialist who dealt with crush injuries of her nature. Silver was anxious about this as she would now have some understanding of how her injuries would impact on the rest of her life and if she would eventually be able to walk again. She had not been allowed to even try to stand up since coming out of the coma as there was too much injury sustained to her legs to support her.

Silver was escorted to the doctor's office by her parents and heard the words she had been dreading. Her world collapsed as she was told that it was unlikely she would ever walk again and would likely spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair.

Silver was pushed out of the doctor's office in a complete meltdown. She was trying to comprehend the news she had just been given and was unaware of the five boys waiting for her in the reception area. Fiona walked up to the boys and told them what they had just been told inside the office and all of them looked distraught by the news. What Silver did not see was Louis entering the office for a few minutes then talking with Silver's parents when he exited the room.

He proceeded to engage in deep discussion with his four band mates who were listening to him intently. They all nodded in agreement to what he was saying and gave there smiles of approval to his discussion. After that the boys said their goodbyes to Silvers parents and Silver. Unfortunately Silver was unable to respond, she was in complete shock from the news she had just been given and was unaware of their presence.


Silver was now comfortable in her home in the dining room that had been transformed into her new bedroom. Stairs were an impossibility so this room had been transformed into her new bedroom, she had arrived home yesterday and was now sat up in her bed contemplating her options. She was quite depressed about the obvious scenario that was in front of her. She was always going to be dependent on somebody and was unlikely to achieve her dream of gaining a degree and following in her parents footsteps; I mean how could she when her dreams of Oxford had been taken away from her.

The sound of the front doorbell shuck Silver out of her thoughts as she could hear voices in the hallway outside her room. The conversation went on for a while and Silver strained to hear what was being said but was unsuccessful with the muffled voices. The door opened and in walked her mother followed by One Direction. She smiled at the boys, they had been so kind to her and they had kept her company in hospital she did not want them to see how upset she was.

They all took a seat around her bed and looked at her. Fiona was the first one to break the silence in the room "the boys have something to propose to you, I have given them my blessing but it has to be your decision Silver, your father and I will support you in whatever you choose" and with that she left the room only to look back once at her daughter and give her an encouraging smile.

Silver looked at each of the boys in turn but it was Louis who finally broke the silence. "Silver, after you were told the news yesterday about your legs I went in and spoke to the doctor. He said that there was a specialist in London who may be able to help you. With your parents permission we contacted him yesterday about your case and he feels that you would be an ideal candidate for a trail he is about to start for people with injuries like yours. He has agreed to take you on but it would mean making regular visits to his offices in London to see if he can help you walk again, he really thinks he may be able to help you".

Silver looked at Louis and tried to comprehend what he was saying. "Where in London" she enquired. "On Harley Street" Harry offered. Silver considered this answer and replied "So it is a private doctor then". "Yes it is but we don't want you to worry about that, we have covered it" Niall responded "What we would like you to consider is moving in with us in London to give the trial a go" Zayn suggested..

Silver was quiet for several minutes before she answered them "OK".

All five of them let out a sigh of relief with her response. They were determined to give her the best chance of walking again and if this meant paying for the best in the business then this is what she would get. Silver was overwhelmed by the offer they had just made her and realised it was a big chance she was taking, however, she was excited by the small chance she would be able to walk again. What she didn't realise was not only was her life chances about to change in terms of her health but her life was about to change for the better. Fate brought her to these boys and she had so much to learn from them...............................................................................................

Louis's Silver Charm [Finished] (One Direction / Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now