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The boys entered the apartment in a buzz of excitement; they were pumped with adrenaline and were not going to come down anytime soon. They had stopped at a local off licence and had purchased plenty of alcohol to celebrate in style. They piled into the kitchen and obtained some glasses for the booze fest they were about to engage in. Louis looked at his watch and shrugged off the time, it wasn't late enough to start worrying about Silver; it had only been 45 mins since she left the arena with Megan and had probably got chatting with Judy......... Little did he know that Silver was moving further away from him at 70 mph along a motorway heading north.


Christian took a glance back into the rear of the transit van. She was still unconscious and lay peacefully on the blanket he had covered the van floor with. He had bound her wrists behind her back and her ankles were tied in case the drug wore off before they reached their destination, but he was quite confident she wouldn't. The traffic was clear at this hour but that was also a risk, he made sure he stuck to the speed limit so not to draw attention to the vehicle. He would never be able to explain to the authorities why he had a beautiful young girl bound and gagged in his van. He smiled to himself how he was able to outwit the security efforts that had been put in place to secure Silvers safety. They were clueless to his identity and he was fairly confident that by the time they figured it out, it would be too late.


Louis glanced at his watch again, something was off and he had a feeling in his gut that told him so. He smiled at Harry as he was passed another glass of lager but did not take a sip; he pulled his phone out of his back pocket and dialled H. It only rang twice before being answered "Hey Lou, what's up" H asked. "Hi H, It's probably nothing but Silver is not back yet. Could you check it out for me?" he replied. "No probs, give me a couple of minutes and I'll ring you back" he responded as Louis disconnected the call. He looked across the room at the lads who were discussing the performance with enthusiasm. He picked up his drink and went to join them in the living room trying to ignore the overwhelming sense that something was not right.


Silver's head was foggy; she could not shake the muggy feeling from her head but somehow knew she needed to open her eyes. She found all the will power inside of her to open her eyes, slowly a dim light began to break through her eyelids and she pushed harder to open them fully. Finally, she was able to open them wide and began to take in her surroundings; she was lying down on some sort of old smelly blanket but could feel movement underneath her. She desperately tried to rub her eyes but something was restricting her hands from moving. She pulled her head up and looked at her environment, it was at this moment she realised where she was. She could see the back of his head in the driver's seat and knew this was her stalker.

She flashbacked to the moment when he had sat in the back of the car that just dropped Megan off at her house, he had driven to some random unknown destination to drug her. He had climbed in the back of the vehicle and Silver knew instantly that Clive, the driver that had driven her from Lancaster to London, was the man who had been watching her. He had held her roughly and placed a damp cloth over her mouth, she had tried to scream but he had forced all his weight upon her to hold her and the rag in place. Silver had never believed in the saying that your life flashes before your eyes, even when she had been involved in the head on collision that had caused her to stop walking; she had not had such powerful thoughts like this. However, as she slipped into unconsciousness from the drug she was inhaling she thought of Louis. He was the best thing that had ever happened to her and this man was determined to make sure she was taken away from him. She loved Louis with all her heart and every inch of her body was frightened that she would never see him again.

She lay silently in the moving vehicle with her eyes closed so not to draw attention to herself. She had become more aware of her surroundings as the seconds had ticked by and knew she was helpless. Clive had secured her tightly with the bindings and she was clever enough to understand she had to wait for the opportune moment to escape. For now she would keep her eyes closed and pretend she was still drugged. Nevertheless, there was one thing she was 100% sure of, she would use her last breath trying to get back to Louis. She loved him with every beat of her heart and nothing this man could do would change that.


Louis answered his phone immediately as it rang. He listened intently as H spoke to him. Harry observed the look on his face and walked over to his best bud. Louis ended the call and looked into Harry's eyes. It took a few moments before he spoke "He's got her Haz" he spoke. Harry shuck his head to clear the alcohol fog and looked at Louis "Lou, what do you mean" he enquired. Louis just looked at Harry and did not speak; the rest of the lads felt the tension envelope the room and looked towards Louis and Harry. Harry asked again more forcefully "Louis, what do you mean". Louis looked at Harry and spoke "He's got her Harry; the car that was driving her is abandoned in south London. She is not there and there are signs of a struggle. H is coming over now". Louis crumpled onto the floor and Harry just hugged his best friend. This could not be happening............................................

Louis's Silver Charm [Finished] (One Direction / Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now