First Date (Part 1)

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Silver awakened early, she had not had the best night's sleep...... She decided that in her rationale way she would put it down to her inexperience in the boy department and would make the most of her early rise to get some studying time in. She pulled the covers off her and jumped (not literally) out of bed with the energy she had to face every day.

Something made her stop and look towards the door; she knew she had pushed it tightly into the frame the night before when she had run (well hobbled) hastily from Louis's arms. He had called her back but she had carried on, she didn't want him to make fun of her...... she could except that he had kissed her out of pity but she had enough pride in herself not to allow him to rub this in her face.

So why was the bedroom door ajar? She decided that in her fluster she was confused, let's not forget for the first time in her life her logical thought was muddled and disoriented from being kissed for the first time.

She knew it didn't mean the same to Louis but was very happy that it had happened. She was no longer a virgin to a boys touch and for her this was a massive breakthrough.

She opened the wardrobe to find all her clothes had gone and all that remained was a white box lying on the floor with an envelope nestling a top. She slowly opened the envelope as she was intrigued with the contents.

Good Morning Silver

I hope you had a good nights sleep and that my advances did not scare you off.

I think it is time we got to know each other on a more personal level, so I would be honoured if you would let me escort you out on a date today.

I knew that you would over think the outfit for our first date so I have saved you the trouble and picked out the perfect clothes for our expedition.

If you would like to attend a full day of fun, laughter and romance (If you allow me) please meet me in the parking garage at 10am sharp.

In anticipation


Silver re read the letter three times before she realised that none of her everyday clothes were hanging up in the wardrobe. She stared down at the white box and excitedly opened the lid.

Inside was four items of her own clothing, this made her laugh as it was the outfit she had arrived in when she first entered the one direction house. Black Leggings, black vest top, varsity hoodie and her black converse. An outfit that she was completely comfortable in.

Silver decided in her logical way that a day out with Louis would be what she needed and although she didn't want it to be out of pity she wouldn't mind the feel of his lips on hers again. She busied herself getting ready and soon realised she had no time at all until 10am. She went quickly through the basic hygiene routines and gave her hair a little fix then slowly made her way into the living room.

Zayn and Harry were in deep conversation but stopped and looked at her as she entered. "Hey Silver" they said in unison. "Hi" she responded as she picked up her purse. "What you doing today" Harry asked. "Spending the day with Louis I think, I'm off to meet him now. Have a good day. Bye" she responded as she carefully walked out of the apartment.

What she didn't see was the looks they both gave her as she left. Both Harry and Zayn had helped Louis plan the days events and had even gone along with him to remove all her clothes from the wardrobe in the middle of the night.

Harry picked up his phone and tapped the speed dial to his best bud. Zayn watched closely as Harry communicated into his phone. "Hi mate, she is on her way down to the garage. Have the best day ever. Keep us informed on how it's going". Harry disconnected before looking at Zayn who was smiling at him. "She is going to have a really good time" he said. "Yeah she is, lets hope though that Louis can hold it together and not frighten her" he replied whilst high fiving Zayn.

Louis's Silver Charm [Finished] (One Direction / Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now