Chapter 2

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Roses pov

After every work day me and the girls would head to the nearby pub and have a few drinks to celebrate how the production was going.

"Cheers to writers who made this amazing play, cheers to ones who casted us I this play because without them I wouldn't be sitting with an amazing bunch of the sweetest, most hottest girls in this city right now!!!"

"Wo hooooo", the rest of us yelped. With our hands and drinks still up in the air.

"Amen. Cheers", we all said clinking our glasses together and taking them like shots. Before placing them on the table.

"Right. Who wants another?", Hedi asked

"Not me", I responded with my uneasy stomach knowing that I haven't eaten since lunch time and just had a shot of alcohol at 5pm.

"Caitlin Cathleen what about you? You want one?"

"No I think I'll pass like Rose. I'm starving", Cathleen said rubbing her stomach feeling the same way I did.

"Caitlin?", Hedi turned to

"Sorry Hedi. I feel the same way", she responded with declining the offer

"Ok well of sounds like we sneed a big dinner feast then", she said changing her mind and order. "Come on let's go", we then all grabbed our bags and walked to he nearest Italian restaurant to order the biggest largest pizza we could find.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm", we groaned in awe as we took our first bite of a classic cheesy pizza.

"This is the best pizza I've ever tasted in my life", Cathleen reply taking another big chunk off her slice.

"Agreed", Caitlin replied

"Well this is my actually first time I've eaten pizza", I said. All their jaws dropped to the centre of the earth. With their mouths burning up from what I just said.

"What?! How?!", Heidi replied, "how have not eaten pizza before?!", she said shocked right to her core, like it was her religion/belief or something.

"Well I was never allowed to eat it", I replied with a short, sharp, snappy answer.

"But who? Who told you, you couldn't eat it Rose?!?! Cause I will like to give them a piece of my mind!", she said getting more and more angry.

"Heidi!?!!", everyone else yelled at her. But not me. I just sat there embarrassed that I caused an argument about a food which my mother would not let me eat.

"What!?! I'm just asking who told Rose that she couldn't eat the best food in the world", she replied back defending herself. Then glaring at me for an answer. I think this is the time tell them where I came from in society.

"Well it was mainly my mother actually. I'm originally from first class society", I the paused and looked up to see their reactions.

"Your from where?", Heidi asked. Getting more intrigued by the minute.

"Your... Your from first class society?", Cathleen said stumbling and losing her words.

I just told a deep hard swallow, "yes. Yes I am"

"Well no wonder why you haven't eaten pizza before", Heidi said loudly just like all the other times. But who could blame her. She was naturally like this. Heidi is just Heidi.

"But how? Why you escape and end up living in a share house trying to make it big in acting world, when you have all the money and stuff in the world that everyone else would possibly want???", Cathleen asked intrigued to why I was here and not having a fancy dinner.

But I know I can't tell the truth. Well not just yet. They are not ready for it. And if they are worrying about this crap that I left behind, then they are not ready for Titanic.

"Well", I said taking a pause and a deep breath, "I was sick of people telling me how to sit, what to eat, what should and can't do with my life. I hated that world and all the people in. For my whole life all I've listened to was the bullshit coming out of their mouths. And I couldn't stay or listen to that much longer", I then paused, "so i ran away. I got all that i could carry and I picked up and left without anyone knowing or noticing me", I then exhaled, "it was the best decision and best day of my life", and the honest truth was that it was.

"Wow! Whoa", they all said shocked at the shallow variation of my real story.

"That must of been tough thou. You leaving all that behind to come and be with technically on the streets. It takes real human guts to do that Rose", Caitlin commented.

"Yeah. Most of the class women would give into that, and be married off to a horrid rich man just for the sake of her family and wealth", Cathleen added on

"And that's why I like you", Heidi said, "you're different. You didn't want to be a doll that people could look at and play with. You wanted to do something with your life. Either if it means throwing your family, money and stuff down the drain. Just to do what you believe in. And what you want do in your life", all the girls just nodded and looked at me and smiled. They knew why I did it. They understand me.

The rest of the night we stayed and talked. We then went all back to the bar and danced our way into the night. Before we left for home. And got ready for bed.

*at home*

"Hahahahahah", Heidi said laughing full of joy

"I can't believe you actually got his number", Cathleen said surprised. I just scoffed as I put my coat on a hanger.

"Why don't you think I am dating material", she commented back. I just ignored it and went to the mirror before any of them did.

I let out my firely long curly locks. And took all my remaining makeup off before the other three walked in. I then walked out and put my night gown on while they were joking around in the mirror. I then slowly slipped into my bed and turned the light on and began reading.

They then all came in and switched the lights off. I then put my book on my left beside table I shared with Caitlin. I then laid awake staring, looking up at the plain, white, blank ceiling. It was like an enormous canvas. It was waiting for something to be written or drawn upon it. Waiting for someones story, imagination or dreams to be used to create a piece of beautiful art.

Making It Count (Titanic Rose fanfiction) part 1Where stories live. Discover now