Chapter 16

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Roses Pov

After more then week in hospital I was finally aloud to leave to fulfil my dreams with Josephine and to become her mother. I packed everything that I brought in s brown leather bag. Josephine was then handed to me. Wearing hand mitted clothing and I light woollen blanket.

"You ready Rose?", Caitlin called. She then took my bag while I held Josephine in my arms. I then nodded.

I stood out of the steps to my and Josephine's future. She was all snug and warm clinging onto me. Heidi and Cathleen were there near a taxi. They then helped Catilen out with my bags in the car.

"There we are", Heidi plunked the last bag in the car, "so me and Cathy are going to go back to the house get some baby stuff sorted. What about you two, and Josephine, got to the shops for the time being. Besides you need new dresses Rose anyways. You can't keep wearing your old maternity clothes", Heidi protested

"What do you think Rose?", Caitlin questioned me

"I think it's wonderful idea", I smiled

"Great!", Cathy and Heidi then hopped in the car while me, Josephine and Caitlin walked down the street to some dress shops.

*an hour or so later*

"Well I'm all shopped out. I think it's time to head home", I carried Josephine in my arms as Caitlin carried the bags. "Do you want to give her to me so you can open the door?", I then proceeded to handing her over and opening the door

"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone screamed at me as I opened the door. They have thrown me a welcome home party.

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