The familiar guard

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Robert's POV

I was running towards the gates of the convent as I sensed someone running after me. I didn’t want to get caught, so I ran faster.

“Robert, help!”

It was Catherine’s voice, coming from behind me.

I looked back, she was the one I was running away from. What the hell?

“Robert!” she yelled for me. I could see blood all over her white dress.

Why can’t I stop running?

Why this way has no end? I can’t even see the gates!

“Why are you running? Robert!”

She was crying.

Why am I running away? I don’t want to run away. I want to go back and hold her

I tried to do that, but I couldn’t.

I try to call for her, but I can’t.

I try to scream, but nothing comes out.

I try to die, but I live.

I jolted awake on my bed.

“Catherine…” I whispered out of my breath

I was sweating and hyperventilating. The pain on my wound seemed worse now.

“It’s ok, Robert” I felt Belle’s voice next to me, caressing my face.

I realized I was crying.

“B-Belle…” I looked away as she pulled her body closer to hug me

“Shh, calm down” she gave me soft kisses “Want to talk about it?” she whispered to me

“N-No…” I sobbed

“I’m sorry, Robert” she tried to calm me down “Try to sleep a little more”


“Maybe the nightmares won’t come back. You have to rest. This is not good for you”

“I’m going crazy, B-Belle”

“No, you’re not” she looked at me “Hey, you’ve been through too much, it’s only normal. And I’m here to help you, ok?”

I looked at her “I thought I was dead, Belle”

“Uh? What are you saying?”

“I was with her, in some place. It was real, I… it just… it was”

She bent down to kiss my forehead “I’m sure she’s with you all the time, Robert. Watching you, wherever she is. And I’m also sure she would be worried seeing you like this”

I looked at her. It really hurt to hear that. Even if it might be right.

“C’mon, try to sleep again. I’ll be with you until you fall asleep”               

I don’t know how long it took me to fall back asleep, I was still breathing really hard, my heart pounding on my chest, my mind sending me completely insane. I’m guessing a long time passed by.

When I woke up again, I noticed it was morning already. I looked at Belle who was already up, sitting near the window with a basin, washing something.

“Good morning” I whispered.

She looked at me and smiled “Hey, feeling better?” She asked

“I guess.” I sat on the bed “Tom’s still sleeping?”

Uncharted Paths (Sequel to Downfall)Where stories live. Discover now