I need you, buddy

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Robert’s POV


Deon looked at me, scared “He…”

I looked at him “What?!”

But he seemed to be in shock. I grabbed him and pushed him to the others with the horses

“Keep riding! I’ll reach you guys soon!” I said

“No!” Mary yelled along with Belle

“GO!” I yelled “I’m going to go back”

“WHAT HAPPENED, DEON?!” I hear Mary asking Deon as I ran back.

A tree had fallen? How lucky were we? I know they’re weak and about to fall, many of them. But how did Tom…?

“TOM?!” I yelled


I kept running, trying to hear or find him.

The other men attacking would be able to reach us if I didn’t hurry.


“R-Robert!” I heard his weak voice near

“Where are you?!” I yelled

“Y-Your left!” he shouted

I quickly ran for some more moments, following his voice.

Until I found him.

Holy God.

His arm.

He was stuck.

“Tom!” I knelt next to him

“R-Robert… I’m stuck… my… my hand is ruined” he weakly said

I looked at the tree, wondering how he managed to do this. He was lucky the tree didn’t fall right upon his body. “How did you do this?!” I tried to push the tree

“I tripped… I was on the floor when this tree…”

“Jesus, Tom!” I snapped, trying to push it

“It’s useless… Robert… go, leave me here. I’m… they’re going to get us, they’ll kill me anyway, I won’t be useful armless.” He looked at me sadly.

It was impossible to take him out. The tree was big and heavy, I couldn’t move it. His hand was completely smashed, for sure.

“Not an option, Tom. I’m not leaving you” I said

“Robert” he looked at me, serious “I’m sorry for everything”

I looked at him “Are you seriously apologizing to me when you have your hand smashed beneath a tree?”

“Yes” he looked at me


A crazy, evil idea crossed my mind.

I looked down at the ax in my hands, then back at Tom.

The men would reach us soon.

I couldn’t leave Tom.

There was only one way to get us out.

I didn’t think twice, I blocked any thought that might stop me at the moment.

I took my shirt of, kneeling next to him

“What are you doing?!” he asked me as I tied my shirt tightly into his arm “ROBERT?!” he yelled

“I’m sorry Tom” I coldly said, the ax on my hands “I’m not losing you, buddy”

“No! Wait… I didn...AHHHHHH” He yelled in agony as I used my ax to cut his lower arm, just a little above his hand.

“AHHHHH!” he yelled as I kept cutting him. Blood was squirting everywhere, I didn’t care though. I had become strong cutting some trees down. Only a few cuts were able to cut his arm.

“C’mon” I quickly involved the shirt tightly against the cut, trying to stop the bleeding “You need to be strong now, buddy. You can make it” I helped him moving

“AAAAH IT HURTS, AAAH AAAH, GOD” he kept yelling, pain written all over his face

“I’m sorry Tom” I helped him, reality slowly beginning to hit me.

I had just amputated my best friend, my brother’s, arm. “R-Robert…” he cried

“Tom, keep awake, keep awake buddy”

We kept walking for some more minutes until we finally spotted the rest of the group. I quickly asked for help and a horse to carry Tom. Some of the women to go with him, helping him in the ways they so well knew. But we still needed to get away, into some place safe.


Oh God… I-I didn’t even know what to say.

I didn’t even think.

Maybe I am too selfish.

Maybe I only think about myself.

But I couldn’t lose my best friend.

“WHO THE HELL CAN RESIST A WOUND LIKE THAT?!” She kept yelling at me “You killed him…” she cried, yelling.

I looked down, emotional agony finally sinking my body.

Please buddy… be fine.

I need you.

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