A crib

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Robert’s POV

“How could you do this to me, Robert?” Those blue eyes looked at me with a broken expression.

“Who are you? Where is the Robert I fell in love with?” She cried in front of me

For some reason, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t talk.

I wanted to run to her, hug her, apologize. I wanted to understand what is going on. Where is she? Why is this happening?

“You left me”

No! I never left you, I never stopped loving you, Catherine! Please! DAMN IT Goswick, why can’t you talk?!

“I hate you!”

My eyes opened in quickly as I sat down in the hard floor. My breath was hard and my heart beating faster than ever. This has been so usual in the past times, it’s killing me.

Catherine has returned to my dreams, but not in the same way. It made me feel awful. I didn’t know what to do. I had left Belle to spend these cold nights alone and felt horrible for it. My mind was a mess. I love Catherine, I always did and always will. Have I ever give any wrong signals to Belle? Maybe I did… oh God. Tom was right. Tom was right since the beginning.

I looked down as the tears streamed down my eyes. I don’t want to be away from Belle. I miss to be the way we used to be in these past months. But I just can’t with these dreams. I feel like I’m betraying Catherine.

“Robert” Zahra came to sit next to me.

I jumped “I-I thought everyone else was asleep”

“I’ve been watching you” she whispered

“No need to, I’m not going do something evil”

“You’re confused”

I glanced at her “You don’t know much, Zahra”

“You’re right. I don’t. That’s why I am going to tell you this, Robert.” She sighed “Belle has been going through hell without your help. You made that child with her and, whatever is going through your mind cannot let that be affected. It’s a life at stake here”

I glanced at her “I know Zahra. I know”

“I am not finished.”

I looked down, I felt like a little boy to whom his mother was yelling at

“I might not know much. But it is pretty obvious that she loves you to death and this is breaking her heart, Robert. And I have to be honest and dare to say you have feelings for her. Strong ones already. You just don’t admit that to yourself”

“Zahra… you don’t know…” she interrupted me again

“I could sense there is someone else there… I don’t know who or where she is. But if she really loves you, she would want you to be happy, Robert. She would want you to do what is right”

I looked down. That was not how I felt. I dreamt about her and she was broken, that was not how I saw things.

“I don’t know whatever is going on your mind, but you’re hurting her badly, Robert”

My heart contorted at those words. I never wanted that.

“Just go back to sleep now” she said before standing up.

I took a deep breath. Maybe I should talk to Belle.

Belle’s POV

I couldn’t deal with this. This sudden separation was killing me. He didn’t even talk to me and that broke my heart into a million pieces.

I never asked for anything, I never demanded his love, even though that’s what I wish the most in this world. I just want his presence and now, I don’t even have that.

I wasn’t able to sleep much, I was glad I had Mary and Zahra keeping me company during the day. And Tom as well, even though he was still recovering.

I could sense Robert’s nightmares. I had seen him many times like that to know how he was when having them. It was a huge effort not to go there and comfort him, but I just wanted him to know that he shouldn’t do this to me either. At least an explanation… I mean, I think I deserved one.

I could feel our baby starting to move much already, the time was coming and I was starting to get more and more nervous, particularly without Robert by my side.

“Belle…” I heard Deon calling me, that evening.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing” he smiled at me “How are you?”


He took a deep breath before sitting closer to me “There’s no need to lie, Belle. Everyone can see…”

I looked down “what do you want me to say, Deon?”

“Nothing… do you want to know what I think?”


“I think that Robert is being a complete jerk to you and that he will realize that as soon as he realizes he can lose you”

I raised my eyebrow “What?”

“He’s denying his feelings to himself”

“Oh, no, Deon. He doesn’t have feelings for me”

“Oh, he has”

I avoided eye contact, that would be amazing, but not more than a dream. Deon didn’t know much.

I tensed up as he put his arm around me “Don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything” he smiled wickedly “Just want you to know that I’m sure he’ll realize it soon”

Robert’s POV

I walked along Omar, back to our improvised camping.

Maybe I really should talk to her. Apologize. Just tell what is going on.

Yeah, do that, Goswick.

I went with Omar to get wood, we were starting to need more. I took the chance we were able to find more to build a little crib for mine and Belle’s princess. It wasn’t polished yet, but I would do that next. I liked it, I think Belle would enjoy it as well. I’ll show it to her.

As we reached our group, I passed through Tom who was awake and snogging Mary. He noticed us, though “Nice crib, man” he half smiled

“Thanks” I smiled “How’s the wound? How are you today?”

“Better, and in good company” he smiled

I chuckled “Not doubt” I kept walking, my eyes searching for Belle.

My heart dropped at when I spotted her though.

Deon was with her, his arm around her, looking and talking to her really close, as if both were really intimate.

They… well… what’s going on?

I mean… it’s not like… we… well, we’re going to be parents and all and…  I never knew Deon and her… They never… not that I noticed I mean…


I don’t like the sight.

Is it ok not to like it?!

I mean…

My inside voice kept stammering. I didn’t even know what to think.

I just know that I suddenly had no willpower to show her any crib or have a conversation at all.

What do you think?

What will happen next?

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