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Robert’s POV

We ran for some more moments until we found a nice place to hide. We stood still, the best we could, as the men passed through us, not noticing us. I was so glad the horses didn’t get scared or were noisy. God, they weren’t just a little group, they were many men, carrying guns and dragging some people with them. Seeing that scenario made me sick, doubting the world I lived in. Where were people’s values? Beliefs?

I didn’t let it sink into my mind much, my own doings torturing my mind. My best friend was bleeding to death, I had cut his hand like a heartless monster.

I let my body fall into the grass, leaning against a rock, near the see. It seemed a nice place to settle for the night and the quickest we found for Tom to rest. All the ladies were with him, doing their best. Belle was amazing with injured people, better than any nurse nun back where I lived. Zahra seemed so as well, knowing some curative treatments. I wasn’t so sure about Mary, but she was Tom’s lady. She was right. She had all right to come at me like that.

“Goswick” Deon and Omar approached me, sitting next to me “Don’t be so hard on yourself, boy” Omar patted my shoulder.

“Robert, he might live” Deon said “It’s possible, he’s tough”

I stood still, not being capable of speaking a word.

“Hey” Omar said “If you let him there, he would die for sure. You brought him, there’s a possibility he might live. You did good. That was courageous”

I looked at him “I cut his bloody arm, Omar”

“Exactly. Not many would be able to do it. You might have saved his life”

I looked down “He’s bleeding to death, men. I know what that is like to bleed to unconscious with just a scratch, I can just imagine with….” They interrupted me

“Goswick” Deon said “Stop it, ok? Don’t blame yourself. What if you had let him there, alone? How would you be?!”

I looked down. I wanted them to stop, I could understand all that. It still doesn’t justify my doings. I don’t know myself anymore.

The soft wind hit my face and body. I looked up to the little river in front of me. The sun would rise soon, everything seemed calmer. I noticed I was alone again, Deon and Omar had left my side. To be honest I didn’t even notice. I had tried to close my eyes and ears to stop hearing all of Tom’s painful groans.

I watched as Belle appeared in front of me, going to the river to wash her hands and bloody body. She looked amazing, no one could deny it. She looked stunning with that big belly, her skin was glowing at the little bit of moonlight left. My God, my head is really driving me insane.

“Robert” She knelt next to me, looking right into my eyes

“H-How is he?”

“Weak, but he’s stubborn” she half smiled, taking me into a hug. I didn’t care she was all soaked, it felt better than ever “Don’t be like this, Robert”

I put my arms around her, my head falling into her shoulder “I don’t know myself anymore, Belle.”

“Robert, hey…” she made me look at her, but I interrupted her “I kill people, I… I amputated him, I… I wasn’t like this. I’m becoming a monster”

She kissed my check, caressing my face “Don’t say that, that is not true”

I looked down, her soft hands caressing me felt incredibly good

“You’re the best person I’ve ever met. With the kindest heart”

“Not true. That’s you”

That was Catherine, too.

“You keep us safe, Robbie. You fight for us. That’s is not monstrous, is it? You need to stop thinking like that” she hugged me tight “If you left Tom there, he’d surely be dead by now. You gave him the chance to live, that is not evil. That’s brave, honey”

“He can die…”

“We were able to stop the bleeding. He’s strong Robert. You know him, he’ll get through this”

I looked down, I really wanted to believe he was going to be ok. For some reason, my mind was playing sick games with me again.

“You’ll be there for him” she smiled at me “He needs you”

“He hates me”

“He doesn’t” he whispered “he’s just in pain”

I stood silent for long moments, accepting Belle’s comforting arms and caresses.

“You’re exhausted, Robbie. Come, let’s get you to rest”

“N-No, let’s just stay here” I hugged her tight

“But… it’s cold here”

“W-We can get each other warm” I whispered

She seemed to accept my proposition. We both laid down in each others arms. I don't think I'd be able to get some sleep if it wasn't her.

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