Never alone

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Robert’s POV

I tried everything, but Belle wouldn’t wake up.

She was breathing, it was the only thing telling me she was alive.

My heart seemed like it would transfix my chest into two, from beating so hard. How could I be so stupid not to see the box? Not to be quicker? Everyone had already jumped out.

I watched as Deon and Mary softly laid her in some comfortable cloths and we walked for some time to a safer place. They refused to let me go and beg for a doctor. Deon kept telling me she was ok as well as Mary. She would wake up soon.

But I had an hard time believing it. The fall was hard and she is carrying a baby for God’s sake! The fear inside me was killing me.

I was lying next to her, inside the tent, searching for any sign that might tell me she was ok or needed something, when I heard Tom “That’s what he got from not making decisions.”

What the hell?

I stood up and left the tent as he continued

“He wants everything and he seems to have talent to lose everything”

He had his back turned to me, but Deon must have noticed the furious look on my face. I didn’t even control my body, I felt him quickly moving up to Tom “YOU’RE A F*CKING BASTARD. YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU SAY. I DON’T EVEN KNOW YOU ANYMORE” I yelled, punching him. I don’t even know where my strength came from, but, for some reason, was hitting its peak.

“ROBERT!” Deon held me back “Stop!”

“Robert” Mary came to hug me “Robert… be calm for her, she needs you. Being like this doesn’t help”

I looked at her, then back at Tom who looked even more furious, jealousy all over his face for Mary coming to me and not him.

“I’m gonna go inside and be with her. I am not with patience to listen to annoying children”

That night Deon came to talk to me. Belle hadn’t woken up yet, that was a fact. But, according to him, we were near an Egypt border, which was where his sister was living. I had no idea how he knew these things. He explained how he had taken a walk and asked some people he’d seen. Then told me about his sister letters explaining the place. His proposition was make a little bed that could be easily transported, put Belle in there and find his sister. He told me how she was a good care provider and might be helpful. I immediately agreed, desperation all over my body.

I tried my best providing Belle everything I thought might be good to make her more comfortable. I couldn’t give her food, but I even tried to give her water, failing miserably as she wouldn’t drink basically nothing.

We left early in the morning, while it was still fresh and a little wind. Too hot weather would be too much for her, under this circumstances. It was already, while she was ok, I could only imagine now.

It wasn’t that hard to find Deon’s sister. I thought it would be much harder. They lived in an isolated place. Some wooden houses were built there. His sister and her husband lived with some other people who had escaped our terrible fate, some time ago.

His sister was beautiful. Her name was Zahra. She seemed to be absolutely ok with us being there. She sweetly welcomed us, saying we could be there for as long as we wanted. When she saw Belle she worriedly told us to carry her inside and instantly started doing some things that never crossed my mind.

“Are you the father?” she asked me as I refused to leave her side

“Yes” I said “Robert”

Uncharted Paths (Sequel to Downfall)Where stories live. Discover now