Three: Orion

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Feeling a random poke on my cheek, my eyes slowly opened to see Quinn smiling down at me. His green eyes were twinkling as he giggled, a sound that made my heart happy. I couldn't resist kissing those chubby cheeks, making him giggle more. "Wake up Daddy!"

"I'm up, I'm up."

"Come on, let's go play." I watched as his tiny little hand grabbed my larger one, before we were walking out of his room. I saw Charlotte sitting at the kitchen table, a smile on her face when she saw us. "What do you want to play?"

"Whatever you want to," I said with a smile.

Quinn put his hands on his hips as he thought about it for awhile. "Legos!"

He then ran back into his room, only to emerge a few seconds later. He was holding his tub of Legos, as he sat onto the carpet. Sitting next to him, I watched as something fell from my pocket. I was confused when Quinn picked up an inhaler. "What is this Daddy?"

"It's an inhaler," I said while taking it from his hands.

"What's an enaler?"

"It helps you to breathe better."

Charlotte then walked over, a confused look on her pretty face. Her blonde hair was pulled up into a bun, some strands hanging down by her cheeks. "You don't use an inhaler."

"I must've picked it up before the cop talked to me."

"Cop? What happened?" She asked while sitting down next to us on the floor.

Making sure Quinn was busy; I turned towards her before telling her what had happened. When I was done telling her about the robbery, she was basically on top of me. "Char, it's okay."

"I can't believe that happened! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to scare you, everything turned out okay."

She rolled her brown eyes as she leaned her back against the couch. "I still can't believe you didn't tell me. If Emilia didn't tell me her work got robbed, I'd be upset."

"Look Daddy!" Quinn suddenly said as he held a Lego man in front of my eyes. "He looks like you."

"He does," I said while wrapping my arms around his body. I laughed when I started tickling his sides, his giggles filling the room.

When he got comfortable in my lap, I looked back up at Charlotte to say, "Well it's a good thing I'm not your boyfriend then."

She smiled before saying, "If I wasn't into girls, I'd be all over you. But then again, I'd be all over you too," she said before she started tickling Quinn. He started laughing again before he said,

"You're funny Mommy!"

Smiling, I looked at the two most important people in front of me. Most people didn't understand how I ended up knocking Charlotte up, especially because she's a lesbian. We didn't care what people thought about us, they could say whatever they wanted. People didn't know the truth, since it wasn't something I ever talked about.

Before Quinn came along, I really wasn't the best person. I had partied all throughout college, and couldn't let that lifestyle go after I graduated. Charlotte had been my best friend in college, since the first day we met freshman year. I quickly learned that she was into girls, when she kissed her girlfriend on the lips. That girlfriend had come and gone, upset that Charlotte spent so much time with me. We were best friends, we did everything together. Charlotte helped me get over many guys, marathoned many shows with me and we dried each other's tears.

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