Seven: Kimo/ Orion

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I quickly dried my tears while resting my head against the wall. Since the police seemed to know I was involved, I might as well get ready to go to jail. There's not many people walking around with two different colored eyes, it'll probably be easy for them to find me. It's only a matter of time.

When Orion walked back into the room, I kept my eyes onto the floor. I noticed he kneeled down in front of me, making me instantly get nervous. Would he kick me out right away, or would he give me a little time to gather my things? Oh who am I kidding, I didn't have any things. He would probably want me out of his house rather quickly. At least I was able to have a nice shower, definitely something I wouldn't be getting in jail.

"I'm sorry about that," he whispered. "That was Riley; I went to high school with him. He's a nice guy; we don't really hang out too much."

"Just tell me when you want me to leave," I quietly said.

His green eyes were then in my line of sight, looking so concerned. "You don't have to leave."

Rolling my eyes, I leaned my head against the wall while giving a dry laugh. "Yeah, because you really want a guy who robbed a bank to live with your child." I stared hard at him, trying to not let my emotions show. "Just call up your police officer friend and have him come get me."

Orion silently stared at me for a long time, until he shook his head. "I'm not going to let anyone hurt you."

Narrowing my eyes, I wrapped my arms closer around my body while digging my nail into my arm. "You don't know anything about me. So don't go off and make all these promises that you don't intend to keep."

We stared at each other for a while longer, my stubborn side coming out. But really, why would a random person want to help me out? He's probably just making me feel comfortable, until he turns me in when my guard is down.

The sound of someone running into the kitchen made me look up to see a smiling Quinn. His little arms were wrapping around Orion's neck, looking so alike it freaked me out in a way. "Can I have a snack Daddy?"

"Of course," Orion said while wrapping his arms around his son before standing up. I silently watched as they walked over to the fridge, before pulling out a big bowl of grapes. Those green eyes were then looking over at me as he asked, "Are you hungry Kimo?"


Quinn started to eat the grapes before running into a different room, yelling out to Charlotte. Looking down at the ground, I watched as Orion was walking towards me once again. "If you ever do get hungry, feel free to take whatever you want."

Finally looking up at him, I felt a fire start to boil inside of me. "Just stop," I said while standing up. He was quite a bit taller than me so I had to crane my neck to see him. "Stop with the fake nice routine. You don't know me; you don't know what I've done or what I've seen. Why wouldn't you call the cops on me? I was robbing the bank where you work, and you want me to stay here? Are you seriously that stupid? Are you seriously that bad of a parent that you would risk your child's life? I might snap one night and try and kill you, you don't know." I would never hurt anyone, but he sure as hell doesn't know that.

I noticed he was glancing down at my hands, making me look to see I was spinning the rings on my finger. Shoving my hands behind my back, I glared up at him as he crossed his arms over his chest. "You're different Kimo. I know you think you're awful, but you're not." He started to walk away before stopping and looking towards me again. "I know you're a good person." With that he walked out of the kitchen, making me frown in anger. Just who does he think he is?

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