Seventeen: Orion/ Kimo

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A/N: Only a few chapters left! There's still some things I need to tie up :) My stories always end up being a little cheesy at the end, but it doesn't bother me. I love happy endings so much and I always want my characters to end up happy. Just because I don't think I'll have one, doesn't mean my characters don't get to have one. Enjoy the chapter!


"Where's Kimo?"

Glancing up from the ground I was currently sitting on, I saw Eloise taking hesitant steps towards me. Her high heels were clicking against the hardwood floors, her peach colored skirt flowing around her knees. She had a diamond necklace around her neck, which I knew she got from Riley from Kimo. I was happy that they're together; they definitely compliment each other well.

"He's been throwing up all morning," I said while pointing to the door behind me. "He hasn't let me come in; he just keeps the door locked."

She frowned while coming up to the door and giving it a gentle knock. "Kimo? You doing okay in there?"

There was a long silence until Kimo's shaky voice said, "No."

Eloise frowned as I stood up and leaned against the doorframe. "Baby, you're going to be fine."

"I'm not going to pass the GED!" He cried. I could imagine big fat tears sliding down his cheeks and it was making me go crazy.

"Of course you are!" Eloise said. "Kimo, you know the material. You know what you're talking about. This is going to be a walk in the park today."

I was still worried when we were met with more silence. "Kimo, you can do this."

"I'm scared," he whispered with more hiccups.

"It's okay to be scared," I said to the closed door. Eloise was starting to bit her bottom lip while twirling her necklace around in her fingers. "But you know what you're not? You're not a coward. You're going to go take that GED test and you are going to pass it." I frowned when we were met with more silence. "I can always take you out for ice cream after."

Eloise snorted while rolling her eyes with a smile. We kept glancing at each other until the door finally unlocked. When it opened, I saw a very sad Kimo on the other side. He had tears still running down his cheeks, his hair looking like he had been running his fingers through it. He was still wearing my pajamas, his body drowning in the fabric. When he looked up at me, he hiccupped again while burying his face into his sleeves.

Walking over to him, I instantly wrapped my arms around his smaller body. He buried his face into my chest, gripping my shirt. "Let me guess," I whispered into his ear. "It was because of the ice cream."

He instantly laughed while looking up into my eyes. "Ice cream is nice."

I smiled while wiping his tears off of his cheeks. "Let me buy you ice cream and dinner. Deal?"

His smile faded as he quietly asked, "What if I don't pass?"

"You will pass and I will buy you ice cream."

He smiled again as I leaned down to place a gentle kiss onto his cheeks, nose and forehead. His hands slowly slid up my chest, his fingers tangling into my hair. "Okay I get that you guys are cute and all, but can we hurry this little love fest up?"

As I pulled back I laughed as Kimo simply rolled his eyes. His eyes then noticed zeroed in on her skirt. "I've never seen that before."

"I got it for this occasion! I wanted to represent my best friend."

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