Six: Orion/ Kimo

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How do we always end up like this? I thought while staring at the sleeping man next to me. It was interesting that his name was Kimo, that name seemed to fit him more than Luke. Again, he looked so peaceful while he was sleeping. It still bothered me that someone actually called him broken. I hadn't known him for very long, but he seemed so special and definitely not broken.

Getting out of the car, I unbuckled Quinn from his seat before taking him inside. Charlotte was laughing with Emilia in the kitchen, an amazing aroma filling the entire room. "Hi mommy, hi Emmy!"

"Hi honey," Charlotte said while picking his small body up into her arms.

Leaning against the counter, I slowly ran my hands through my hair while saying, "So uhm we're going to have company tonight."

"Have a hot date tonight?" Emilia asked, her dark eyebrows wiggling behind her glasses.

Shaking my head, I sighed while glancing outside towards the van. "I was at the park with Quinn and we ran into... Luke. Except his real name is Kimo."

"Luke? Who's that?" Emilia asked.

"I talked to him on my birthday, at the club."

Charlotte carefully put Quinn down, before he ran towards the living room. "Is he okay?"

"He's a little... drunk. I'm just going to help him tonight."

Before they could say anything else, I quickly escaped through the door and started walking towards the car. After opening the door, I sighed while watching Kimo still sleeping soundly. Unbuckling the seatbelt, I carefully lifted his small body into my arms. He instantly snuggled into my neck, his fist tightening onto my shirt.

Walking back into the house, I avoided Emilia and Charlotte before walking towards my room. I could vaguely hear my parents playing with Quinn, making me sigh. Of course everyone had to be home tonight. Hopefully Kimo wouldn't be too uncomfortable with all these people.

Finally making it into the room, I quickly shut the door before gently laying him onto the bed. What the hell was I supposed to do now? He didn't look very comfortable in his clothes, except I noticed he was wearing my shirt from the other day. That made me feel oddly good in a way. I also didn't want to try and take his clothes off, since I didn't want that to traumatize him. Deciding to just place clothes next to him, I sighed before sitting on the window seat.

"Mmm," Kimo suddenly groaned as he trashed around in the bed. "Stop, no."

Walking over to the bed, I looked on the dresser to see the inhaler. "Kimo," I said while trying to wake him up without touching him. He didn't seem to like it when I touched him. "Kimo!"

He woke up suddenly, almost like someone had dumped cold water on him. He briefly looked at me before finding the inhaler I had laid on the bed next to him. Using the inhaler seemed to instantly calm him down, even though he was still very drunk. His glossed over eyes glanced at me before he held his chest while breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?"

Kimo slowly nodded before falling back onto the bed, blankly staring at the ceiling. "Sleepy," he whispered before his eyes closed.

Running my hands over my face, I sighed before getting up and taking my shirt off. After slipping on a tank top, I sat back down onto the window seat as the door opened. Quinn was quietly walking inside, his teddy bear in his hands and a pack of crackers. When he saw me he smiled, instantly starting to walk over. "Daddy, mommy said Kimo isn't feeling good."

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