Nine: Orion

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Maybe getting those contacts was a little too forward; I simply didn't want him to get noticed. I wanted Kimo to feel completely safe here, something I didn't quite fully understand yet. I just felt different around him, he actually makes me feel. I don't care what anyone says; he's staying as long as he needs. Just thinking about those eyes was making a stupid smile pop up onto my face.

Turning away from the counter, I jumped while seeing Emilia watching me. "Hey, what's up?"

She eyed me for a long time, simply staying quiet. Her face then changed, a smile finally forming onto her face. "What's got you so smiley? Or should I ask who has you so smiley?"

Narrowing my eyes, I crossed my arms over my chest while shrugging. "Just in a good mood I guess."

"Are you sure it isn't Kiki that's put you into a good mood?"

"His name is Kimo first off," I angrily said while glaring down at her. She simply shrugged and smiled.

"Sorry, bad at names."

Before I could respond, a thud was heard somewhere throughout the house. It kind of sounded like it came from my room, which worried me. I tried to walk around Emilia but she blocked my path. "So how long is Kimo going to be staying here?"

Sighing, I looked down at her again before saying, "Does that really involve you?"

She smiled before stepping aside. "Guess not."

As I finally walked around her, I instantly stopped in my tracks when I heard a scream. Running into my room, I saw Kimo sitting on the ground with blood and glass all over the place. Falling down onto the ground, I wrapped my arms around his shaking body. "It's going to be okay," I whispered even though I wasn't sure what had happened. I had also noticed he had two brown eyes, which honestly didn't sit right with me. I shouldn't have tried to force him into changing his appearance, or himself.

When Charlotte ran into the room, she gasped while putting her hands over her mouth. "I need a rag, a bag and wound supplies." She instantly nodded before running out of the room.

I could hear her telling Emilia to keep Quinn away before she was running back into the room. She shut the door slightly while handing me the supplies for the wound as she started to clean up the glass.

"Kimo, what happened?"

He shook his head while burying his face deeper into my neck. "Don't let me go," he cried.

"I won't."

His smaller body was violently shaking as he continued to cry as I carefully started to clean his hands. I made sure to keep one arm tightly wrapped around him, so he felt safe.

"They gave me my scars," he silently sobbed as his hands were still shaking.


"My parents." I tried to look at his face, but he kept it hidden from my eyes. I looked towards Charlotte, who was holding a hand over her mouth. "The night they died. I told them I was gay, they hated it."

I pulled his body closer to mine, feeling my heart absolutely breaking. "They told me to hurt myself whenever I think about a guy that way."

Everything was starting to make sense now, why he never let me touch him. Or why there were times he would be digging one of his nails into his skin. This poor man has been through literal hell.

Cat Eyes (manxman) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now