Eighteen: Kimo

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The guy to my right kept playing a game on his phone and the woman to my left had awful breath. The auditorium we were all seated in was very hot and sticky and there were babies crying as people tried to talk. Nothing could stop my excitement today though, even all of the small things that could. Today was the day I would actually graduate for the first time in my life. Not only was this a big deal, but it was a big deal to me that so many people were in the audience for me.

When I glanced over, I instantly saw my family. There were so many they were taking up three rows, all sitting in front of each other. Orion's parents were sitting the farthest back with Eloise and Riley next to them. Orion, Charlotte and Quinn were seated in front of them. I smiled while watching Quinn talk to Pika, who was sitting next to him. My parents and my sisters were in front of them, all smiling.

When the bad breath woman suddenly scoffed at me, I looked up to see everyone in my row had started walking. I quickly got up and followed the guy who had finally put his phone away. I watched as everyone in front of me started getting their certificates, instantly making me nervous.

I then glanced down at the ring on my middle finger; the one Orion had given me the night I went to jail. So many things had happened in a quick amount of time, it was insane. I still couldn't believe I went from being a stripper, robbing a bank and being just an awful person, to someone I was proud to look in the mirror at. The beginning stages of my life were something out of a movie; it seemed as if someone was just making it up for me. I always felt like I was just going through the motions of everyday life. For once I feel like I'm actually living my life.

When I was the next in line, I quickly took my inhaler out of my pocket to calm my nerves. "Kimo Prince Morani." When my name was called, it was as if they were announcing Michael Jackson. I watched as every single person in my section stood up and cheered for me. I smiled as I walked up on stage to get my certificate. My heart was pounding the entire time and I couldn't keep the smile off my face. After I stopped to have my picture taken, I turned towards my family and held up my certificate to them. They all cheered again, making me officially a blubbery mess.

The rest of the ceremony seemed to go by extremely fast, until we were all ushered outside. Everyone started throwing their hats up into the air, everyone cheering and laughing. As I caught my hat, I looked up to see my mom smiling at me. I quickly ran towards her, past all the other graduates and into her arms.

When I looked into her eyes, she was crying but also had a very loving smile on her pretty face. She put her hands on either side of my face while she said, "I am so extremely proud of you Kimo. I love you so much."

"Thank you mom," I said while I hugged her. "I love you too." I then handed her the rose I was given after I graduated and said, "I want you to have this."

She put her hand over her heart while kissing my cheeks. "Kimo!" I looked up to see Pika and Quinn running towards me. I lifted them both into my arms as Ben came walking up behind them. "I saw you walk on the stage!" Quinn happily said while kissing my cheek.

"So did I!" Pika happily agreed.

Hannah then took Pika from my arms, as Charlotte came over and took Quinn. She hugged me then Ben did, followed by Eloise and Riley and Orion's parents. The last person I hadn't hugged was watching me with a warm smile. I watched him slowly walk over to me, surrounded by our family.

"I did it," I happily said while looking up into those green eyes.

"Of course you did love. God, I'm so proud of you."

I then wrapped my arms around him, laughing when he picked me up. He was able to kiss me around the cap I was wearing, making my heart beat even faster. "You still have some leftover ice cream right?"

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